
Taking the community's pulse on faculty morale; Add/Drop period ends Friday; and our Wednesday Webinar on supporting students through the novelty effect.


Recently, there was a robust conversation on the One Schoolhouse Academic Leaders Listserv on faculty morale. We thought it would be helpful for the community to know how widespread the concern is. Take this one-question, flash survey and we'll share the results and a few resources in next week's newsletter. 

Question of the week: How concerned are you about faculty morale this year?

Taking the Pulse: Flash Survey

Registration is open through Friday, September 25. Some courses still have availability but most are filling fast! 

Course Catalog
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Timing is everything when it comes to supporting students in the online space. In this week's Academic Leaders Webinar on Wednesday, September 23 at noon ET,  we’ll be joined by Liz Katz to learn about the best ways to help students overcome the novelty effect of a new learning modality and how to best support students at the start of the school year.

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Have you missed any of our past webinars? Check them and future topics out here!

Liz Katz

Every school year has a pattern--the thrum of excitement in September, the fatigue of November, the jittery speed of May. When you teach online, you observe patterns, too. At One Schoolhouse, we’ve learned that the cadence of the academic year is a little different. 
On campus, the third, fourth, and fifth weeks are some of the best of the year, because you’re still coasting on the energy of coming back to school at the same time you get to dig deep into your course material for the first time. Online, however, the pattern shifts, and students can sometimes run into a tricky spot. 

When people encounter a new technology tool, they’re eager, and that feeling drives engagement and adoption. Think about a time you tried a new meditation app, or a fitness tracker--you’re excited to use it! After a few weeks, or maybe even a month, however, it’s not quite as exciting. You stop using it regularly, or maybe even altogether.

That’s the novelty effect--when you adopt a new tech tool, you invest energy and time in it. In the vast majority of situations, however, the novelty effect wears off. In an online learning environment, the timing of this effect is especially important. That’s because the novelty effect wears off just as the course ramps up to its full level of challenge. Students get an energy bump from trying new things, but once they know how the system works and what the expectations are, they settle in and can lose momentum. Read more.
