


NOVEMBER 19, 2021

In this Lunar Cycle newsletter: support affirmations for our efforts to balance polarity in daily life; Youtube preserving teachings from shima; and… would you benefit from sitting in circle with shima?


The magic we propose doesn't happen for everyone.  Our prayer/affirmations just got knocked up a notch.  Our work with morning and evening sacred words… deh saad beh… is a technique that guides and protects us.  Our practice is time when we are directly in touch with the higher self of all spiritual natures, and directly in communion with our Mother Earth.

Greet the Sun and raise your morning beverage cup to toast life and say… I am here to teach that Spirit is not off somewhere far away.  I am All My Relations… shii echicasay.  I am connected.  I interact – constantly.  You watch over me, and my emotions are known.  Gently, I whisper this to the world and it will be heard, and this vibration will guide others on their path.  This then is my gift to the world in this cycle, I am a Wisdom Keeper.  Thank you for another Good Day in my Life.


Before turning in, say good night to Grandmother Moon and affirm…  I am new, and have found the plan incomplete, left to me to write as I go.  Laughter and flexibility truly have provided the key to succeed in my life mission.  Thank you Grandmother, thank you for this good day in my life.

And so, in a very ancient, yet simple way, we balance the polarity within us that creates chaos.  When we balance the choas within us, we find life runs smoother, easier, and the Ancestors have swept our path clean of obstacles that have nothing to do with us to start with.  We recognize what is ours and what is not, and are free to fully engage in what the universe provides us.

If you want to join us every morning for prayers and information about plant, stone and animal medicines, click here, and be sure to turn friends on to what we are doing!



Wow!  I did it!  I flew to Texas all by myself to visit our oldest son and his family.  Two delightful little girls, and another on the way.  We giggled, colored, went to something called a do-seum, stalked bugs, and well… giggled some more. 

In the meantime, Linda was at home holding down the fort as Miyoni and Leyla took one more step closer to friendship;  Aunty's Secret Garden took on daylight savings time like the Goddess Quan Yin is (I however am still working on realignment); Linda's Sparkling Blessing Code spread around the world; and Leyla decided she was the Oracle of the Day.

                        Visit Linda's Earth Spirit Photography Gallery

| anonomyous: These are two of the most important people in my life.  They've been there for my children, myself, and my community as emergencies have hit, and in the good times, they have an infectious laugh.


Pre registration required on all events to hold your space.  All events currently have limited enrollment for safety sake.


@ the Ranch February 26 - March 2nd


Coming Closer to Who We Are: There is a power in our bodies, a strength that constantly reminds us of our connection.  We journey through evolution on a timeline of growing consciousness.  Our emotions are carried as our breath upon the Winds of Change and our journey is fueled by the growing empathetic nature of our connection to Earth.  Both Earth and humans unite to form happiness



Otter Mother of Us All

Ceremony, experience, assimilation.  Otter helps us contact and identify our guides.  It also assists us in verifying our impressions.  Different situations bring different guides.
    We are patient and concentrate.  There is no failure, except in our preconceived beliefs.  Yes, in the miraculous intervention of ritual our perception changes, our sense of connection is heightened.  It is not necessary to understand to experience.
    Participation in the Otter taps two ways of knowing, bringing an altered state of consciousness and sense of connection.
    Our Guides live, work and operate in partnership with our needs and desires.
    Otter rituals evoke powerful emotional currents within us.  It stimulates fires of spiritual idealism and perception.  The energy assists in the tearing down of the old and the building up of the new.
    A shaft of life descends.  It forms crystalline brilliancy as we intone.... daaiina... And so it is.

| Prophecy: when Child of Water passes Killer of Enemies in heart Center, the Earth Dragon and Big Snake open east and west, and all returns to balance within the 4 Directions...

We hope you liked this cycle's Da'igoti newsletter.  This newsletter has been curated and edited by #teamshima. Have an endorsement for shima and her work? Let us know at [email protected].


  • Have you ever wished the rain would hold off… and it did?
  • Have you ever hiked in nature, and had it feel like you were transported in time?
  • Have you ever stood before ancient ruins and felt energy running up your legs like an electrical current?

This year we have tried to take it back to as old school as possible.  Maria grew up with a training method where you just kind of hung out with an elder. True, there was a theme, but there was also lots of space for storytelling and digression. This kept the teachings alive and relevant to whoever was there.

Our Sitting With An Elder series this year offers you the chance to be part of this way of doing things.  Over five weeks you spend time hanging out with Maria once a week.  Exercises focus the sessions, and provide ways for you to experience what is being taught in your everyday life, but the real magic happens in the spaces between, when discussion suddenly opens a space for something that brings healing and growth.

We aren't calling these classes, as the knowledge transfer that happens here is much more fluid, and far richer. We can't promise certificates, or any of the usual teaching apparatus. We can promise it'll be fun, surprising, will open you more to earth, and is rooted in a history of people facing the challenges of life with heart, depth, and humanity. 

                          – Dances the Dream

Books Audio Ceremony Study

© 2007, Yraceburu EarthWisdom

Imagine Gaining the Wisdom and Strength of Earth Through Connecting Ancient Relationships and Earth Wisdom with renowned prayermaker, storyteller & teacher Maria Yraceburu