Fall Update 


During this Thanksgiving week, we want to express how thankful we are for our new and returning volunteer tutors.  

We know it's not always easy to commit to a regular classroom visit with everything going on in our lives.  But we hope you feel, as we do, a real sense of fulfillment when you touch the lives of these deserving students.  

Giving Tuesday


Next Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, is "Giving Tuesday" and there are 3 ways you could help Los Ayudantes on that worldwide day of giving.

1) Volunteer!  There's still time to make a difference this school year.

2) Spread the word about Los Ayudantes to your friends you think might be interested in being a volunteer this year or next. 

3) Contribute to our mission by donating $50 or $100 via our Donate Page.  Any amount goes a long way to helping support our mission. 

What is our mission?

Los Ayudantes’ mission is to promote literacy for life by establishing caring connections with underserved Redwood City School District students and helping them to build literacy and critical thinking skills necessary for success in high school and beyond. We are the only literacy-focused non-profit on the Peninsula that places volunteers in the classroom at the middle school level.

Tutors Still Needed at McKinley and Kennedy

Tutoring is well underway now at both Kennedy and McKinley middle schools. We are still looking for more volunteers!

  • At Kennedy, we are looking specifically for volunteers to come Mon, Tues, Fri for 1st period (8:25-9:15am),  3rd period (10:23-11:11am), or 4th period (11:14-12:02pm).  Other times throughout the day are available too, but these are where the need is greatest.
  • At McKinley, we are looking for volunteers, Mon, Tues, Wed, or Fri from 8am-8:55am or Mon, Tues, Fri from 8:57am-9:52am.

If you're interested, please contact our Program Director, at jenni.farrell@losayudantes.org

For more information on volunteering, please click here. 

Volunteer Stories

Do you have a heart-warming story that you'd like to share of a moment when you felt you really made a difference or brightened the day of a student?  Let us know by clicking here to access our feedback form.  We'd love to hear your story! 

Literacy Article:  Working with Unmotivated Students

This article from a teaching blog is directed toward teachers, but it has a lot of relevance to what we do as volunteers in the classroom.  Occasionally we find ourselves working with a student that doesn’t seem very motivated and wonder if there's more we can do to motivate them.  This article has some interesting takeaways, and we hope you take some time to read it.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself About Your Unmotivated Students​


Amazon Smile Donations

Amazon Smile Logo

One easy way to donate to Los Ayudantes is to use the Amazon Smile link every time you shop.  The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.   Just bookmark this link and use it every time you shop.  Thank you!

Volunteer Today