




Supporting new families, a new mini-documentary, harvest joy, and more



Sometimes a dry and warm place to sleep is an urgent need.

Soaring living costs in Kenya are pushing families deeper into poverty. As some families in our Family Care program become self-sufficient, we're preparing to assist new families facing urgent challenges. We’re asking you to help with stabilizing some of the most critical situations.

Food security is the most common challenge among families being considered for support. Maize prices, alongside fuel and so many other things, have nearly doubled since the pandemic began. Meanwhile, wages and business income have not risen, and taxes are up. It's a difficult moment for many. 

Helping families grow more food is one of the first things UKR focuses on at the start of Family Care. Other early actions include addressing glaring unmet medical needs, and ensuring children are able to attend school.

Our ultimate goal with new families is, of course, a meaningful livelihood. But this requires a learning process, thoughtful planning, and time.​

Soon, UKR's social workers will be visiting and holistically assessing shortlisted families. We're planning to start working with 50 of the very neediest families - which will include 300 or so family members - by January. 

We are now searching for new sponsors, and we welcome you to step forward as one, but we know that with 50 new families the process of securing sponsorships will run into next year. Yet, as soon as these families come on board we will be seeing critical situations urgently in need of attention and resources. 

We’re appealing for your help to assist new families before we find sponsorship funding. The kinds of immediate aid that each unique family needs will often include a few of the following examples:

Our goal is to raise $12,000 for this before the end of summer. Whatever amount you can give, large or small, will help bring immediate, impactful changes to the situations of deeply struggling children and families. 

We intentionally do not share any photos or individual stories unless there is dignity, pride, or success in the picture.  The new families won't meet this standard - yet. So, the images you see in this email demonstrate what we can do, but not the dire situations families face now. For that, words must suffice. 

Please consider contributing toward this cause. You can give through the button below, or send a check to Friends of Kenya Rising at 3 Echo Lane N, Sherman, CT, 06784.

give to help new families

A family eating at least two meals every day is our most basic food security target, while three nutritious daily meals is our goal. With new families, food assistance is sometimes offered temporarily so that children can eat at least twice a day. At the same time, the agriculture team focuses on sustaining that change by helping new families improve farm production.


A wheelbarrow might not seem like a critical need, but in some situations it can be. The right farm tools can increase yields, putting more meals on a family's table.


New families will soon be trying out new crops. Here, a UKR family poses with sunflowers they've started growing. The seeds are a delicious snack and also a cost-saving, protein-rich poultry feed.


When a new family already has a micro business like selling veggies, Family Care might boost it right away to reach a higher level (such as that pictured here). If there is no business, the program will work with the family so they develop one.

give to help new families

Discover our new Family Care mini-documentary


Click the video screenshot above to watch

We are thrilled to present an exceptional new short film.

The video was created for us pro-bono by WezaCare Solutions, a nonprofit that works to prevent family separation. They have spotlighted UKR as a role-model or “lighthouse” organization, and they produced this video so that others can learn from our transformative model. 

Check it out through this link!  It's a really informative and powerful video. 

Harvest Blessings Bring Joy


A joyful mother smiles at her still-growing maize a few months back.

It’s harvest time again, and western Kenya has been seeing good maize production. UKR families are reaping especially good yields because of the training they’ve undergone over recent years.

The cost of living in Kenya keeps rising, with some commodities like sugar and electricity up 50% in 2023 alone. People are struggling, including many of the families we serve.  Harvest time brings great relief and happiness because meals are guaranteed, bigger, and fresher. 

We celebrate with every family that has harvested plentifully. And for new families and those we serve still awaiting similar success, our commitment to your progress remains.


Plucking veggies to cook for supper


Hard work reaps rewards


Spring onions, in all their glory


A boy fends off the chickens with a handful of maize


Plentiful sweet potatoes, with piles of drying maize stover in the background


It is the maize harvest season, but other crops like these indigenous veggies can be harvested regularly over many months


Most of the maize harvest is sun-dried, stored in sacks, and later ground as needed at a local "posho mill" to make maize flour for ugali


The softest, freshest maize is roasted and savored


A UKR grandmother plucks avocados using a picker introduced by the UKR farm team; it's safer than children climbing to pick, it prevents fall damage, and it makes it easier to pick sufficient quantity for sale.

Photos of the month

Every month we go over the photos that staff take and vote on our favorites. Here are some of the best recent photos we've chosen. They're truly terrific! 

Click here to see our favorite photos from May!

And click here to see our favorite photos from March & April!

give to help new families