
Inner Leader Movement

News Flash

Dear Friends, 

Today my mother, Althea J. Clayton, celebrates her 87th birthday. It is with deep appreciation, gratitude and honor to pay tribute to my mother by birthing a very special Inner Leader Movement membership offering. Without my mother’s guidance, encouragement and most of all LOVE, I would not be where I am today bringing forth my intuitive gifts and life service. 

Happy Birthday, Mama AJ, and Happy Birthday to the Inner Leader Movement Membership on Patreon!

What is Patreon?

Patreon is a membership platform which supports creative endeavors for artists and leaders in their specialty fields through their writing, podcasts, videos and other ways they bring forth their talent and gifts to the world.

You sign up to be an Inner Leader Movement Patron to receive exclusive offerings, new and exciting material, tips, techniques and rich information for your own Inner Leader Movement, your heart and soul inner work.

Intuitive work and channeling changes all the time. The Angel Guides and the Cosmic Collective are providing clear guidance to provide a special Inner Leader membership platform so "we" are able to share important, life-guiding information through daily downloads and channeling along with special content from monthly offerings.

This is a HUGE shift in direction for the Inner Leader Movement. Sharing valuable information consistently and providing a member platform for current and new Inner Leaders to maintain and sustain their learning and advance their evolutionary life cycles creates a sacred space of community.

Now, more than ever, we need strong communities during this vulnerable and transitional time on earth. Together, as an Inner Leader Patreon community, we can raise our vibration of love and light with powerful ripple effects cascading out to our world. 

As an Inner Leader Patron, you will receive the following expanded and exclusive offerings:

Monthly Inner Leader AWE-You Newsletter 

Weekly Wisdom Within Mantra Guidance

Exclusive Audio Heart Talk Guided Meditations

Monthly Inner Leader Live Q&A Session

Angel Astrology Reports: Full Moon, Season Changes, Retrogrades and more...

We will launch a single tier membership for only $6.99 monthly. 

Become an Inner Leader Patron

Special Offer

And the best news? I will offer the first 10 Patrons who sign up a 30-minute intuitive reading!

I’m thrilled to celebrate our Inner Leader Movement Membership birthday today in honor of my mother. I hope you will join in and experience the excitement, fun and high vibe of community we will create and share together.


We are shining on, my friends!

Inner Leader Movement Founder, Spiritual Leader, Intuitive-Channel, Author, Angel Alchemist and Fun Activist


Stay Tuned and Stay Connected...