
We begin Our Words are Power series and Maria urges us to take on a spirit of confidence.  esonkñhsendehí – Changing Mother earth does everything in her power to support our evolving lives, extending polarity to quadarity, moving mountains and seas, and devoting her attention to our growth.  We are called to connect in recognition.  Many times we hear "the call" and our minds immediately think of things that stand in our way; however, we should come to realize that our practice is the key to all areas of our lives working harmoniously.  Being connected includes sharing our work, our time, being open to possibilities, making relations in community, and living more fully.  Our reason for living in this way brings joy and excitement to self fulfillment and actualization.

Join us, beginning October 29th, to hear more and invite a friend, a circle member, a partner to join you.  Transmission times are Saturdays, 6 pm (mountain time)!  It's Free!  Subscribe for Ease!


     It is that time of year again!  
     And we want to personally invite you to our 2016 Hat'ii Women's Ceremony: The Gates of Rebirth, on Sunday, October 23rd, in San Francisco!
      Remember the powerful ceremony we did under the life tree?  45 women sitting in sacred circle together.  The energy was palpable.  We are so blessed to have you be a part of that day.  Your partnership in Earth Healing taken with us as we moved into the next year of our work.

About the Ceremony: 

We receive rites from a group of Earth Daughters – rites filled with power and relationship with the Earth Mother. We engage with every ounce of who we are, for this day unlocks secrets of our legendary fulfillment in destiny. Centuries of Wise Women from around the world stand beside us as One – and we are swept into an epic dream filled with love, passionate stories, and ritual actions that crisscross us through time and reveal that destiny is beyond our wildest imaginings…

Our day in circle with women will be facilitated by Maria and Lynda Yraceburu and the members of our Hat'ii Online Training.  We will be joined by teachers from San Diego, and the greater Bay Area. 




If you have any questions, please contact Doraly Espinoza, our Circle Coordinator, at [email protected]

NOTE: Partial Scholarships are available: A limited number of partial scholarships are available to those who are called to join us in open ceremony and are having a financial hardship. We invite you to send our circle coordinator an email at [email protected] – please include your name and phone number and she'll be happy to connect with you. 

We look forward to being in circle with you!



Check out this video testimony and consider registering for SpiralDancing - click on graphic!

SpiralDancing Registration will re-open for one day only on October 19th from 8 am until midnight.  We meet once a month as a group in Google Hangout, study the healing principles of the Medicine Wheel, have a once a month private skype counciling session with Maria, and monthly contact with mentors.  We begin our next session in November.


Prayer is an essential part of connection.  Together we unite in our EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web Facebook Group to pray together each morning.  You can always submit a prayer request, add photos and experiences that tie us together with each energetic cycle.  We notify you through this group when Maria's Cyclic Prayers for this purpose have become available for download.  Join us over coffee each morning.  Look at your window at nature as you speak aloud the words, and discover the confirming moments each day that you are a vital part of life.

Flicker Prayers
​September 30 - October 14

napenape shima… Aunty Flicker, Changing Mother earth’s children have discovered there is a fundamental difference between forgiveness and compassion.  The latter, not only is easier, but more freeing.

continue >>




Understanding Our Visionary Options
I love looking out to the southern meadow during the winter months.  The combination of snow, animals, and cloudy days sets up a magical condition that speaks volumes about how the life cycles of earth work and the unique blessings we are offered by each.  This time of impending cold gathers us to the dream of what is to become – focusing us on creative and innovative moments.  And within this moving slowly, I write some thoughts from the Edge of Reality because I am always intrigued by the texture of the energies and feelings of community they elicit.  Imagine walking  on a billowy cloud – each step revealed to relay freedom and love.


There is a marvelous partnership between Earth and Spirit, and we, as humanes, find it mutually stimulating and it seems to keep things in a constant state of evolution.  Whenever I look into the eyes of the Snow Eagle (tornado), my thoughts jerk to areas around the edges, feeling a changing pattern in life for our senses to interpret.  Soft focus in any situation – the looking without finite definition – we are able to pick out the most relevant information.  Why do we return time and again to situations, while many happier outcomes hidden in the denser aspects of vision?  Some mystics say that grasping a compelling perspective is as easy as crossing our eyes briefly, relinquishing our

finish reading & view meditation video >>



December 28-30th, there will be a Gathering of Spirit at Taa-naash-kaa-da for individuals have have made the decision to haquini - claim their power and want to make connection to all dimensions.  If you are interested in joining us at Taa-naash-kaa-da, or want to learn more about nia'guch'ilaada'gotaal – earth magic ceremonies, click here​ and you can take part in the next Gathering.  If you want to host a gathering of this nature in your area, contact us.


The 2nd Annual Ritual Thru Darkness Grandma's Oracle Retreat will be held January 25th-29th, 2017.  Space is limited to 7.


Did you know that you are Mother Earth's precious child?  That you are here to make a unique contribution to Evolutional History?  Help us Free Taa-naash-kaa-da once and for all, as our united point of Home.  We continue to push forward with a new amount to be raised, and a new deadline  to move elsewhere should it be fall short of our goal.

Team Taa-naash-kaa-da

Team Taa-naash-kaa-da is a facilitated fundraising group that explores the financing of the Land known as Taa-naash-kaa-da's purchase, while perpetuating what it means to have a relationship with the Earth.  This group has proven to be a terrific circle of individuals to build community and explore the basic question about reciprocity in life as an eco-spiritual family.

If you are interested in learning more about Team Taa-naash-kaa-da, click here!




You are encouraged to tune in to Full Moon Healing with Lynda Yraceburu.  On the full moon of each month, there will be a sharing of different basic healing strategies in an online course: stones, kong (chakra), self-care & earth spirit connection.  It's worth the listen about how we use the things around us for healing complete.  Lynda Yraceburu is a traditional gypsy healer, lineage of Juliette de Barclay Levy & Anton Tari. Email us for more info!


The 5 Core values of the Worldwide Women’s Circle: This is what we stand for!

1. This is a Worldwide Platform that is community driven. This project grows when you give it attention. This is not a one woman show. We connect with other women and organizations all around the world.

2. All traditions are welcome here. This is an all traditions-inclusive movement. That means all religions, all perspectives are celebrated and included. There are so many women’s circle lineages and we keep it open to spread the message of love and acceptance. 

3. Respect for Diversity: We celebrate women in all of HER forms including women identified and transgender. 

4. Healing the Sisterhood: We know that sharing the tool of the women’s circle will bring much needed healing to each other. Our stories are powerful. Your story can change a woman’s life.

5. Empowering Leaders: We celebrate women saying YES to the circle leader inside of them. We support the growth and blossoming of women. We offer training and mentorship throughout the process.

Here is the link to our Foundations Course: https://www.facebook.com/events/1045905132129678/

Would you like to have a prayer flag made
​& hung @ Taa-naash-kaa-da for you?