

OMG, how do you react when people talk about you out of love?

…can you handle it?!

The truth is that Maria and I had…

Open our hearts and take it all in.

Branding has never been something we though could happen.  And yet, the Universe said it would be so.

Today, in this five minute video I want to share with you the vision of us and our community from an outside perspective and share the magic that we've built together through all these years!

We're branded in the best wat:

Yraceburu EarthWisdom

Obstacles, challenges, and change… we've been together through the last 30 years as a community of the heart.  And now, comes the next chapter in our lives together.

We've got this.  Let's do it TOGETHER!

loko monogosee… from the light of my heart!


Online Course…


Online Sessions
Available During Covid

Vas Pesh Healing Course
Self Paced
Zoom or In person by Appt


My New Book is Available!

Health Products

for the Cycle!