weekly Newsletter 10th May 2020

CW* Fifth Sunday of easter 

Missed one of our online services? YOU CAN VIEW THEM ALL BY CLICKIng HERE


Acts 7.55-60 Psalm 31.1-5,15-16* 1 Peter 2.2-10 John 14.1-14

Collect Prayer

Almighty God, who through your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ have overcome death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: grant that, as by your grace going before us you put into our minds good desires, so by your continual help we may bring them to good effect; through Jesus Christ our risen Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.​ Amen.

download the sermon for this week
diocesan social responsibility briefing

Click here​ to download the latest Diocesan responsibility briefing:

A huge thank you to everyone volunteering in and donating to our foodbanks. Thank you for all that you are doing to keep people alive during this crisis. Foodbanks across Cornwall need supplies of all tinned, dried or longlife food items - with a typical food parcel including: breakfast cereal, longlife milk, soup, pasta, rice, pasta sauce, tinned beans, tinned meat, tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, tinned puddings, tea or coffee, sugar, biscuits and snacks. Many of the foodbanks also collect: baby food, baby milk, disposable nappies, washing up liquid, washing powder, soap, dry dog food, canned dog food and canned cat food. Transformation Cornwall has pulled together an update with details of 17 of the Cornish Foodbanks to help: 1. customers needing Foodbank parcel/support 2. potential (both corporate and individual) donators of food/ money 3. strengthen, (and lessen), the work of the many dedicated and wonderful people behind the foodbanks  Customers can access foodbanks with a food voucher. Many of the foodbanks now operate an e-voucher system but please check how your local Foodbank is operating. 

Truro foodbank needs the following donations: 


Giving - while we can't meet.

If you normally donate cash or cheques using the weekly collection or 

If you would like to setup a standing order please use the following details
Account name:        All Saints Church Highertown PCC.
Bank:                      Lloyds Bank, Boscawen Street,  Truro
Sort Code:              77 - 09 -12
​Account number:     2 9 4 1 9 2 6 0

If during this time you would like to make a one off gift to the church you may wish to use our Justgiving service by giving online using a debit/credit card or paypal account. Click on the link here to give to the church in this way.

Supporting Good mental health

Find simple ways to help deal with loneliness and isolation. 

  1. Pray. Light a candle, if safe, and pray for hope, faith and strength to keep loving and caring for each other during this time of struggle.
  2. Talk about how you feel. This may be difficult if you are self-isolating, but do use the telephone, internet, and social media. If you need to contact a counsellor this can be arranged by your GP, or via local agencies, or privately. The Samaritans are there 24 hours a day, every day, and it’s free to call them on 116 123.
  3. Focus on the things that you can change, not on the things you can’t.
  4. Look after yourself - physically, emotionally, spiritually. Plan in things that you enjoy at regular intervals during the day – a TV programme, a phone call, a book, a favourite dish, a game.
  5. Look after others. Even if only in small ways, but do what you can: a smile, a kind word, writing a letter or an email.

The Church of England have produced a series of reflections on how to cope with anxiety and loneliness in the face of the coronavirus pandemic, including simple Christian meditation techniques. 

Day Seven - Hearing Voices


                                                                       photo:  Amadej Tauses

And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, ‘This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.’

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. He fasted for forty days and forty nights, and afterwards he was famished. The tempter came and said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.’

Matthew 3:16-4:3

Read more

church news and notices


We have soft launched a new website just for online content during the lockdown period. It is still in development but you can start to get a feel of what will be available from its pages. It will include recorded services, meditations, articles and sermons, along with links to all our social media channels. 

Morning Prayer

Each day Jeremy at All Saints Vicarage, and Janette at her Epiphany House residence will keep morning prayer. If you would like to join with us from home you can use the common worship website for the words and readings. If there is someone or a situation you would like us to hold in prayer please email either Jeremy at [email protected] or Janette at [email protected] Click Here

A shortened version of morning prayer will also be available as an audio recording each day by dialing into our dedicated phoneline 01872 306996. Phone and hear the daily readings, and call again on a Sunday and Saturday for the weekly sermon.

Items for prayer this week

  • Pray for those working on a vaccine. For the research team at Oxford University and AstraZeneca. 
  • Pray for the UK government, making hard decisions on whether to ease lockdown. Ask God to give them wisdom and discernment.
  • We pray for all front line workers, that God will bless them. Pray that they will be able to access testing and PPE as needed.
  • We pray for businesses struggling to protect their staff and stay afloat.
  • Pray for all those experiencing bereavement and not able to grieve in the normal way at funerals at the moment and clergy not able to care for families in the way they would wish at this time.
  • We pray for Alan, Barbara, Jeff and Greg. Please hold them in your prayers for strength, and the guiding hand of God to be known.
  • Pray for the Foodbank team that they may stay free of infection and continue to help those struggling most. Thank God for all the generous donors and pray that all coming for help will be blessed and renewed.
  • Pray for Cornwall Refugee Resource Network, which will meet (virtually) on Tuesday to discuss how we can support resettled refugee families in the current siutation.
  • Pray for our team of Community Comforters - Roger, Diana, Lynne, Jill, John, Anna, Magda, Mary, Martyn, Moyra, Gyl, Lindsey, and Karen. This team have volunteered to respond to particular requests made by some of the more isolated and vulnerable members of our local community. 
ENCOURAGing and resourcing

Meditations for Isolation

Life abundantly

03/05/2020 | John 10:1-10 | 

Jesus, thank you that you gather us together as your flock.

Thank you that you are our good shepherd. Help us to hear and trust your voice. Help us to respond to your leading. Help us to know you care for each one of us, in sickness and in health. Help us to know you have good things for us. Help us to live this life to the full and to receive your all you have for us. Increase our faith, our trust and our knowledge of your love. That we would be a flock that know that we are known and love because we are loved. Amen….

Last week's meditation, which was part of our Sunday morning worship was written and recorded by Anna Robinson. (All Saints TM Worship Leader).

Click here to listen or download.​


Everyone must stay at home to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

You should only leave the house for 1 of 4 reasons:

  • shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible
  • one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle – alone or with members of your household
  • any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person
  • travelling to and from work, but only where this absolutely cannot be done from home

How to stop infection spreading

There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with coronavirus.


Looking after your wellbeing

To help yourself stay well while you're at home:

  • stay in touch with family and friends over the phone or on social media
  • try to keep yourself busy – you could try activities like cooking, reading, online learning and watching films
  • do light exercise at home, or outside once a day

For more advice, see:



Vicar: Revd Jeremy Putnam  (01872 261944) on leave until Thursday

Curate: Revd Janette Mullett


Simon Bray (07724 168789)       

Jane Tomlinson (01872 273542)

Staff Team

Youth Leader: Alice Bevan (07450 997945)

Operations Manager: Lucas Bostdorff (07511 214450)

Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Irene Mortimore (07889 822951)

Church Office Hours: Administrator- Kirsty Basram 

 [email protected]  (Mon 6-10 and 1-2.30, Thurs 8-4, Fri 8.30-11)

Let's stay connected