Services Training

From our Team

Multnomah County Adult Care Home Conference - Sept. 25th

We are honored to have been invited to present at the Multnomah County Care Home Conference on Sept 25th at OMSI. We will be leading a session titled Becoming an Employer of Choice: How to attract and retain care staff. 

The conference is now open to the entire state. See here for more information. If you attend, be sure to also stop by our table to say "hi!" 

Save the Date! Care Home Conference - Nov. 14th

We're looking forward to our own fall Care Home Conference again, which will be Nov. 14th in Lake Oswego. Be sure to mark November 14th on your calendars! More information will be coming soon.

Care Home Corner Blog - Provider Spotlight


We love to share the great work being done by providers in Oregon.

In our newest provider spotlight blog article, Matt Gannon connected with Nelson Kabue, LPN, operator of Orchard Adult Care Home in Multnomah County. 

read the provider spotlight article

Tip of the Week - Access to Records


It is important to know who has access to confidential information and access to a resident’s records in the care home. 

If a family member is requesting to see a resident’s care plan, or any other confidential documents, you should ensure they have permission to do so. In the majority of cases, individuals do not have the authority to see a resident’s confidential information without express, written permission of the resident.

How do you ensure an individual has the authority to review a resident’s records? 

First, understand what general authority is granted to a POA, guardian or conservator, and healthcare representative. Below is general information:

  • Healthcare Representative: The healthcare representative only makes decisions for a resident in the event the resident is incapacitated. This individual does not make decisions for a resident, otherwise, and does not automatically have access to a resident’s records
  • POA: If an individual has power of attorney (POA), they have limited decision-making authority that is related to business matters. A POA does not automatically have access to a resident's confidential information.
  • Legal Guardian: If a legal guardian has been appointed by a judge, the legal guardian makes all placement and medical decisions on behalf of the resident. The legal guardian also has access to any records to which a resident would have access. 

As a reminder, anyone from the Oregon Department Of Human Services (ODHS) has access to resident records. This includes licensing, APS, case management, and the LTC Ombudsman.

Next, understand what authority is granted to that individual. Ask for paperwork and documentation from the individual and carefully read the documentation. If you are unclear about the authority granted, consult with an attorney

Finally, set boundaries with family and friends. If the individual does not have authority to review a resident’s confident information and the resident has not given written authorization, you will need to make that clear and set expectations and boundaries with that individual. You can reach out to your licensing office for guidance and assistance if you’re having difficulty.

In conclusion, it is important to know who has access to confidential information and access to a resident’s records. A resident who is their own decision-maker can grant written authorization for an individual to view their records. Unless a resident has a legally-appointed guardian, residents have the right to revoke authorization at any time.

You can use these tips to better understand the authority granted to individuals, and to maintain and protect resident confidentiality in your care home. 

Pre-Service Dementia Training


Pre-Service Dementia Training is a required training for all licensees and staff working in an APD-licensed adult foster care home in Oregon.

Our online, self-paced training is three hours and has been approved by ODHS for all adult care home staff in Oregon.

Register for Pre-Service dementia Training

Individual Option EQC Course


Our Individual Option EQC Course is flexible and available at any time. We offer both EQC Essentials only and the complete course. Follow the steps below. After you attend the interest/preparation session, you will receive the link to register for the course:

Step #2: Register for one of our upcoming EQC preparation sessions:​​​

"There's no right way to do the wrong thing."


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