

Parish Newsletter for Sunday 13th March 2022

 Sunday Services for the second Sunday of Lent

9am- Said Communion

Leader and preacher Revd Mary Cruddas

10:30am - Contemporary Worship

Leader: Bishop Hugh and Joff Phipps

Preacher: Revd Jeremy Putnam

4pm - Gather


Genesis 15.1–12,17–18

Philippians 3.17 – 4.1

Luke 13.31–35

   Almighty God, you show to those who are in error the light of your truth, that they may return to the way of righteousness: grant to all those who are admitted into the fellowship of Christ’s religion, that they may reject those things that are contrary to their profession, and follow all such things as are agreeable to the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. 

How to help Ukraine

We have all been horrified at the unfolding situation in Ukraine. As well as praying, here are some other things you can do to make a difference.

Sean Ryan, media director of Save the Children, said: "The best way to help is to make a cash donation."

He said collecting supplies like blankets or infant formula means transporting heavy goods hundreds of miles, whereas cash can reach people quickly to buy what is needed.

Among the organisations collecting funds for Ukraine are include:

  • The British Red Cross​, which has launched an appeal to help the Ukrainian Red Cross to provide food, medicine, clothing and shelter, as well as first aid training in bomb shelters and, in the last few days, 15,000 litres of drinking water to villages in eastern Ukraine
  • The UNHCR refugee agency, which is funding emergency shelters, repairs for homes damaged by shelling, emergency cash assistance, psychological support and warm clothing
  • Unicef, the UN's children's charity, which is helping to ensure families have clean water and food and that child health and protection services continue
  • Save the Children, which is providing cash assistance, food and other support to refugees crossing into Romanian and Lithuania, as well as in Ukraine itself.

The Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, the largest representative body for Ukrainians in the UK, has raised more than £1.1m, which it said would fund medicine, food and other essentials.

Ongoing Covid-19 Safeguards

  1. Seating in church on Sundays -  As we return to a greater freedom from restrictions due to the pandemic, we still need to take care, especially of those of us who have greater vulnerability or susceptibilities themselves or who are protecting family members. We are therefore creating an area where people can remain a little more socially distanced and continue to wear masks - this will be marked by laminated sheets on the chairs. We ask everyone to be respectful of this, giving people the space to feel safe but welcomed back to our services. 
  2.  Taking of communion - For now the team still feel it is unsafe to return to the common cup. However, as more people return to church and sit closer together it is beginning to be problematic to bring the bread to everyone, so we are going to return to a one way system to come forward to receive - we hope this will work better.  However, we will continue to take communion to those seated in the area mentioned above, or to those who are less mobile - just indicate to one of the wardens or welcomers and they will let whoever is presiding know.
  3. Gluten free bread - From Easter Day we will be returning to using bread rather than wafers and it will all be gluten free so that all will be sharing the 'one bread'.  Obviously all hygiene practices to protect everyone will be maintained.

Photo by Farhad Ibrahimzade on Unsplash

Friday evening meals for the homeless

If you would like to be part of a team providing and serving suppers for the homeless please get in touch with Gyl Grundy, 07771681113 or speak to her on Sunday morning. The organisers, Churches Together, expect it to be a one Friday in 6 rota. It would involve providing a hot meal, teas and coffees, cake and fruit, and meals will be served from 6 - 7.00pm. 




During the month of February ‘On the Way’ consultations took place across our deanery. Thank you to the many people who have taken part so far. Our deanery wide online questionnaire is another way that you can feed into the process. Please note – this is a different survey to the one you have seen in church and in our newsletter letter last week. We really do need your input so click the link below to share your views.

As the consultations continue, we are so grateful to our team of people praying for the ‘On The Way’ process in our deanery. If you would like to join the group of people who are praying you can sign up using the form at www.powderdeanery.org . You can also join others from All Saints at our weekly prayer gathering on Thursdays at 10am meeting in the church.


The leadership teams for the different parts of the deanery will be combining and analysing the feedback, once the first round of consultation is complete. They will then begin to look at the priorities from the consultations alongside our deanery finances and resources. In March they will prayerfully begin to draft plans that will be fed back to Deanery Synod and PCCs in the next round of visits to local churches.

NEW SURVEY - Powder Deanery Community Survey (surveymonkey.co.uk)




Lent Meetings

  1. Wednesday Evening Lent Group - This group is meeting every Wednesday on Zoom throughout Lent.  All are welcome to join in (please let Janette know so she can send you the zoom link).  We are looking at Richard Foster's Book, "Celebration of Discipline" which is being used for our Lenten Sermon Series so we will follow this pattern:
  2. Wednesday 9th March  - Submission
  3. Wednesday 16th March - Service
  4. Wednesday 23rd March - Prayer and Meditation
  5. Wednesday 30th March - Celebration and Worship
  6. Wednesday 6th April - Simplicity and Solitude
  7. Wednesday 13th April - Confession

All will begin at 8pm and finish at 9pm but the zoom will be opened at 7.45pm so that people can gather.


Church Coffee Mornings


Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

 Saturday 12 March Church Bring and Buy Coffee Morning  10.30am - 12.30 All are welcome it would be lovely to see as many people as possible  even if you are only able to call in and enjoy a coffee/tea for a short time. There will be a bring and buy consumable produce (cakes / jams / bread /plants etc.) stall. Please bring your contribution on the morning . All proceeds will go towards the church's Platinum Jubilee Tea Party

14 May       10.30-12.30  Coffee Morning

4 June         Jubilee Party

9 July           Summer Fair

17 September   10.30-12.30  Coffee Morning

8 October         10.30-12.30  Coffee Morning

5 November      10.30-12.30  Coffee Morning

10 December      Christmas Fair


Electoral Roll

We are bringing up the electoral roll up to date. So if people wish to be able to vote at the APCM and wish to get involved in the management of our church affairs and are not on the electoral roll can they please get in touch with Rowley Surridge:  [email protected]

Contact details:

Priest in Charge and Pioneer Minister: Revd Jeremy Putnam ([email protected])   
Associate Minister: Revd Janette Mullett ([email protected], 07780 076871) 
Curate: Revd Patrick Gilbert (01326 374478, [email protected])
​Licensed Reader: Debbie Mitchell ([email protected])

Jane Tomlinson (01872 273542)

Rowley Surridge (07713 113459)

 Other Contacts
Young People and Families Leader: position vacant 
Social Justice Missioner: Joff Phipps ([email protected]

Worship leader: Robin Mitchell ([email protected])
Safeguarding Co-ordinator: Irene Mortimore (07889 822951)
Prayer Director: Daphne Atkinson ([email protected])

Parish Administrator: Kirsty Basram ([email protected]