January 2025 Newsletter

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and happy holidays! Just curious if anyone gave a family history gift this year that connected your family with the past, such as any of the ideas that were in "Genealogy and the Holidays: Connecting with Family Past and Present". I'd love to know!

Congratulations to this year's Genealogy Wish Grants WinnerMari Knapp! You can read about the winner and her story at: 2024 Genealogy Wish Grants Winner!

Poll: Please let me know what you'd like to see more of and less of!

This Christmas vacation, I have gotten back to my memoirs. Why are writing down your memoirs important? In preserving your memories, you’re contributing to the rich tapestry of your family history. Don't forget about YOU, you will be someone's ancestor one day. You can read my latest memory at "My Ice-Skating Memoirs: A Nostalgic Journey Through Rinks, Memories, and Time", which also includes 1970s/early 80s Los Angeles and rink nostalgia.

Be sure to check out my newest blog postsFacebook Page, and Group for tips and tricks, and more news! You're all invited to join!

Happy New Year!

Diane Henriks@Know Who Wears the Genes in Your Family

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  • "Publishing Your Family History"- FREE, In-Person only for this one; Saturday February 15, 2025, 10 AM-12PM; South Orange County California Genealogical Society
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