Magical June Greetings!

Can you believe we are halfway through 2021 already?! I know, it's pretty crazy but nevertheless exciting! We are ready to level up more and more and more to bring forth New Earth for all. The more we hold all these magical and powerful frequencies the more we get to create this beautiful New experience that is completely different from the old. Are you ready?

Close Your Eyes To See

Our eyes are going to open up more and more but more importantly our inner eye, and that's what we need to focus on. Our physical eyes can only perceive a fraction of what is truly going on and so it's important to not let them deceive you. This is the time to close your physical eyes so that your inner/hearts' vision can come through and assist you in navigating this powerful gateway. Remember that we are still in the middle of this intense eclipse passageway and solstice which will bring forth more for us to see and it's going to be very important how you choose to see it. If you just let your physical eyes tell you what's true, you won't be able to truly comprehend it all and you won't get to see the whole picture; but if you allow your inner eyes to guide you through it, show you what is truly going on and why, then you'll come to remember more and more. Our entire existence here is so that we can remember who we truly are so we can live as our SOULight. Our physical bodies were not designed tod decipher all the information that we have inside and the information that is coming at us from "out there." As we anchor more of these cosmic frequencies the more we are going to be able to unlock and uncover from inside and the easier it will be to navigate our own ascension process.

There is a lot of misperception and fear on opening up our third eye and it's time to let go of the old fear based programs. The more you do the more you'll be able to see through the eyes of love, compassion, inner-standing, peace and unity. Yes, it's a process, yes it doesn't happen overnight but this is where our true vision comes from and the more we activate it and embrace it the more we will be able to hold peace in our heart for all that is going to be unveiled.

Truth Seekers

Essentially, we are all truth seekers, we all want to know what the truth is, but yet we keep looking in the wrong places. The world will only show us a fraction of what is going on because it is operating from a level of consciousness that is limited on the information that it shares/holds. The easiest and fastest way to know and remember the truth is to dive deeper within so you can remember it instead of expecting or wanting something or someone to show it to you. You have the power within to discover it, you  have the ability to perceive from every single reality and dimension yet we forgot. It's time to remember and it's time to become a truth seeker of our own truths. We are the ones' that create our own world therefore we are the ones' that can change it. We can no longer depend on someone else or wait for it to change, the only way it will change is if we change ourselves. At some point, you stop relying on the information that is "out there," you stop going in circles, waiting for "out there" to reveal something that you already know inside and the more you detach from the "outer" perceptions the more you focus on YOU. You hold ALL the keys and codes, all the knots and bolts to shift your entire world, it's time to use and own your true POWER.

Physical Body UPgrades

Your body will continue to get hammered with these energies and it is SOOO important to honor it above all. Stop worrying and start allowing. Your entire 3D reality wasn't true to begin with so why keep holding on to it. It's time to embrace 5D/New Earth/Heaven/Peace by allowing your body to go through the shifts and changes and upgrades that it needs in order to anchor/hold more Light. The world is going through a massive up leveling and the more Light you hold inside your body the more you're going to be able to assist others in a vast number of ways.

Let go of the fear, let go of the fight, let go of the control, let go of the need to know everything and just surrender to your Light. Things are amping up and your human is trying to hold on the old but your body can no longer sustain these energies. Let it ALL go. Feel all the emotions, see all the aspects, dissolve all density and bring yourself back to home. It's simple. You don't have to prove anything to anyone, you don't have to go the long and hard way, be done with that and just surrender.

Navigating Ascension

This month I am starting a new course for those that are ready to dive deeper into the body mechanics of ascension and to remember how to assist your body through the process. I won't sugar coat it is one of the most intense and challenging experiences you will go through but the more you are aware and the more relaxed you are the easier it will be to navigate all the bizarre, body upgrades that your body has to go through.

Each day we will tune in deeper into the body and reconnect more so that we can become one with the body again. We have been so separated from the body, not appreciating it, loving it, always wanting to change it or fix it and all of this created much suffering and many imbalances inside. It's time to remember that this is our sacred vessel, our temple and our vehicle that is assisting us so much in this process.

We will dive deeper into the body upgrades, how to navigate them and how to detox from the old programs, beliefs, emotions and perceptions that kept us stuck in the Old Earth.

I have officially built a Thinkific Course site to host this course so I am really excited about that. I have not yet transferred all my courses but eventually they will all be there. For now this one is ready to go, you can click below to check it out.

Register for the course

I will be hosting the first workshop this Friday 6/4 and Saturday 6/5 to dive deeper into ascension, body upgrades, while sharing tools and guidance to best assist you in your journey. If you are interested in joining just the workshop, click below for more info:

Register for workshop only

Body Detox Group Exercise

Last week I hosted my first class and truly enjoyed it. I will be hosting it again this week on Thursday, 6/3 at 7 pm CST and every week until I am guided so feel free to register below and invite other people you feel might benefit:

Register for body detox Group Exercise 

With that, I am sending you a wave of peace and strength to navigate this month like a PRO!

In peace and gratitude,

Samantha SolBright ☼

P.S: If you are ready to receive one on one guidance and support, I have opened my private session schedule. Click below to book:

Book a private session 

Watch my Latest Videos

June Will Bring More Physical Body Upgrades

New Earth trees, birds and magic!

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