Pathways Rhythms

April 2021


Mystic of the Month

God who rests,

It is difficult for us to imagine of Christ,

who having all power and capacity to heal others,

still at times walked away.

Who napped unapologetically in the face of danger.

Give us the courage to rest.

The holy audacity to do absolutely nothing at all.

And as we do,

allow us to hold vigil for the tombs of this world

while honoring that we are neither Savior nor slave.

Grant us a slowness that allows us to feel what hurts

and makes healing possible.

Let our rest be our liberation.

                                         Cole Arthur Riley @ blackliturgies

Cole Arthur Riley is a writer, liturgist and speaker seeking a deeply contemplative life marked by embodiment and emotion. She is the founder and writer of Black Liturgies, a project seeking to integrate concepts of dignity, lament, rage, justice, rest, and liberation with the practice of written prayer. She currently serves as the Content and Spiritual Formation Manager for a center for Christian studies at Cornell University called Chesterton House.

More quotes from Riley as well as other readings from Pathways Rhythm of Prayer are now on our website.

Stations of the Resurrection

Easter Sunday - pentecost

April 4 - may 22


Pathways long-time tradition of the Stations of the Resurrection are available in our woods and on our website. Find more information on our website​ or view the virtual stations by clicking the button below.

Virtual stations of the resurrection

New Volunteer Coordinator


Pathways Retreat is pleased to welcome Betty Schrag as our new Part-time Volunteer Coordinator! Betty’s job description includes recruiting, communicating with, organizing, and hosting Pathways’ many volunteers. After she retired from Goshen College in 2015 as executive assistant to the president, Betty and her husband, Jonathan, volunteered for a year at Rocky Mountain Mennonite Camp and at the International Guesthouse in Washington DC for a year and a half. Betty is currently a volunteer with Goshen Hospice.  She enjoys connections with friends, playing with watercolor, art journaling, reading and being in nature. Welcome Betty!

If you or a group you’re a part of is looking for a place to volunteer, please contact Betty​.

Thank You Volunteers

Pathways Retreat could not exist without many people generously donating of their time. A big Thank You to all our volunteers!

Getting the woods and trails ready each Spring for the Stations of the Cross is always a big task. This year that was more the case due to a winter ice storm that brought down many pine tree branches. Thank you, Walnut Hill Mennonite Church Kids Club members and parents who helped with clean-up on March 27.

To view a slideshow of images from the clean-up day, see our website homepage

Pathways is on Facebook & Instagram

Like Pathways Retreat on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to stay up to date with announcements and events.


Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.


Linda Lehman Thomas

Evan Miller

Julie Stegelmann