Spring Newsletter

I hope this newsletter finds you doing well and managing to take care of yourselves and your family during these unprecedented times. Here at OKSNHC we have been taking this time to focus on family and our farm and check some of our ongoing projects off the never ending to do list. With the cancellation of the April trimming course and a lot of other scheduled engagements I have found myself with more time to ride and I have been enjoying my horses then ever. I have been taking the time to work on my relationship with them, not just riding but on the ground as well. We also recently acquired two miniature donkeys to add to our line up of equines for trimming in our courses and lessons. Maverick and Goose are a little timid but with some consistent handling should come around nicely. 


Courses at OKSNHC

Our June 6 day course is fast approaching and I am excited to finally start my teaching season! We are taking special precautions because of Covid-19 but I am certain we can keep everyone safe while still running the course. We have a maximum of 6 students per course so that allows ample space and we can also work outside to minimize contact. 

We have added an additional course to the schedule July 6-11 in order to handle the rescheduling of the April course. There are still spaces available in all course dates but they are limited. If you are thinking about taking the course this year now is a great time to get started on the online program ahead of your preferred date, but register early to avoid missing out. Our 2021 calendar of courses will be coming soon.

6 Day Trimming Course Info

If you have taken any of our courses here please make sure to submit a review on our website here, these reviews are so important to prospective students so that they can get a feel for what the course entails and weather or not its the right fit for them. I would be extremely grateful if you could take the time to submit your comments!

New product alert!!!

I am so excited to announce that we are finally launching our OKSNHC designed and built hoof stands! You can check them out here!


OKSNHC Followers Connect Facebook

This page is a safe place to post photos, ask for help and connect with other barefoot trimmers/students and enthusiasts. This is also the easiest way to ask my advice about trimming techniques and any questions that you may have. Please share this group with your friends if you think they would be interested as well. 

If you haven't joined yet follow the link above to do so. As the memberships grows I anticipate the group will become busier and more active.

Sales and discounts!

Shop Red Horse now

We are currently running a 10% off sale for our Online Hoof Anatomy, Theory and Barefoot Trimming Course. Use promo code hoof at checkout to take advantage of this offer.

Register now

Have a safe and happy summer! If I can help you and your horse in your hoof care journey please don't hesitate to contact me!

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