
Don't forget to Follow Ridgewood Crew on Facebook/Instagram

Pasta Party

Pasta Party, April 13, 6:30pm: the rower pasta party will be at the Dowd's (219 Phelps Rd). There are still open food sign ups for pasta, drinks, and bread. Please sign up to bring an item!

5th Manny Flick, Sunday April 14

The schedule for the 5th Manny Flick is here: http://rowtown.org/lrs/schedule.jsp?regattaName=5th+Manny+Flick+%2F+Horvat+Series&regattaDate=2019-04-14

Location: As a reminder this Flick will be on the Schuylkill River, in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia, PA. https://www.phillyflicks.com/spectators/parking/ There are parking lots (fee) above the river in Fairmount Park and a free shuttle bus will take you to the River. There is also free limited parking on the streets above Fairmount Park. Remember to always lock your doors. 

Attached is the approximate location of the Ridgewood Crew tent; we are at the end of the island (page 4). More information and maps can be found here:https://www.phillyflicks.com/ Weather looks to be warm with scattered rain. https://www.phillyflicks.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Overview-of-Map-with-Team-Tent-Locations-Updated-040319.pdf 

Bussing: All rowers attending this regatta should be at Graydon Pool Parking Lot by 4:45am on Sunday. Any rower that misses the bus must find their own ride to the regatta. At the end of the regatta the bus will return to Graydon Pool Parking Lot; an InstaTeam message will be sent out when the bus leaves Philly. There will be bagels on the bus ride to Philly and sandwiches on the bus ride home. 

Lightweight Weigh -In: All lightweight rowers will be weigh in from 7-9am; remember to bring your id! 

Rowers - remember to bring a refillable water bottle to the regatta. 

Please, we need your photos uploaded to the Ridgewood Crew Website, not just facebook Thanks!

Please add your photos & videos to the Ridgewood Crew website http://www.ridgewoodcrew.com/pictures-and-video.html 

Instructions for uploading to google photos - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZjJ7-a7wvA and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXe68IxpqWo


A very special thanks to our athletes and parent volunteers, our sponsors and to the surprise visit of our Mayor Ramon M. Hache for taking time to support this great event!!.

Also one of our sponsors Kutch Professional gave me a box full of beautiful aprons, a gift for each rower family. Please contact Susanna Carmona if you did not get one.

We are still missing checks from some rowers.  The minimum donations a rower is required to raise is $300.  Checks must be submitted to Ms. Carmona, 898 Hillcrest Rd., Ridgewood NJ 07450 by April 22th.

Zeller Scholarship

Attention Seniors

​Attached is the application for the Ridgewood Crew Zeller Scholarship.  Eamil the completed application to Kelly Aherne at [email protected] no later than April 28, 2019. Scholarship awards will be announced at the Sr Awards Evening in June. 

Zeller Scholarship 2019.pdf

Regatta Presentation

For those that would like a copy of the regatta information presentation, please see the attached. 


Returning  to PRRA.   No date set yet, we will keep all informed as soon as we have an update from the PRRA and the County.   All is working out well at Overpeck and we have to give a big Thank You to Don Bosco for helping us out!


Please visit our website at ridgewoodcrew.com