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Winter Pre-Season Training (High School):

·         Starts Monday, November 12, 5:30-7:30pm; RHS Cafeteria. Winter Pre-Season training ends on December 21. Please bring a check made out to Ridgewood Crew for $400 on the first day of practice. There is no sign up for the training, and you may train 3, 4 or 5 days a week, your choice.  It is highly recommended to participate in the winter pre-season training if you are not involved in a winter sport. 

·         Training will be offered Monday through Friday and is not mandatory, but highly recommended for rowers trying out for the team in January.  Workouts will consist of ERG training, weight-lifting, and cardio conditioning at the high school. 

·         All practice days and times are tentative, and may change based on availability of the cafeteria or weight room. 

Winter Pre-Season Training (Middle School):

·         Starts Monday, November 12; 4:30-5:30pm; RHS Cafeteria. Practices will be Monday, Wednesday, and Friday; 4:30 - 5:30pm. Winter Pre-Season training ends on December 21.

·         Please bring a check made out to Ridgewood Crew for $250 on the first day of training.

·         All practice days and times are tentative, and may change based on availability of the cafeteria or weight room.

Lost an item of clothing at a fall regatta?  Email Judy Wong at

 [email protected]

We need your photos!

Upload your Photos/Videos to the Ridgewood Crew Photo Albums. If you have photos from the Head of the Passaic Regatta please add them here (instructions are at the bottom of the page). 



Please visit our website at ridgewoodcrew.com