august 2020 newsletter

Kim Carr Photography


New Work: Quack / Breed: Cayuga Ducks / Endangered Status: Watch / Farm: Sunflower Savannah in Beaufort, MO



Marilyn, Lucy & Zak taking a break from livestock guarding duties

Hello Everybody,

I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying their summer.  It has been busy around here as a farm never slows down.  In the past three weeks, we have celebrated several mom's, my great-nephew Brycen, mine and my pups Marilyn and Zak, who turned four on Sunday.  I am so fortunate that four years ago I was given the opportunity to rescue Lucy.  Thirteen days later she gave birth to eleven puppies on my bedroom floor.  Life has never been the same since.  We have also had a few visitors to the farm since we have plenty of room out here to enjoy.  

I've also been able to get in a couple of summer photoshoots that I might not have had time for previously, so I am very thankful for that.  If you take a peek at my website, you will see new work going up.  I have revisited the Stuart Farm, the Witness Tree Farm, and Northern Prairie Alpacas.  New this summer was getting to meet Sam Wiseman of Sunflower Savannah Farm.  You can read more about her below.

Needless to say, this summer has been good to me. I love that I was able to get out and visit a couple of farms.  I also love that my farm offers a great place for family and friends to get out and stretch their legs while enjoying some fresh air and sunshine.


My great-nephew Brycen, eating blackberries almost as fast as I can pick them. This was our first time to pick wild berries from around the farm. He absolutely loved picking and eating them. This will be a yearly tradition from now on.


Egg collection has been hit and miss this summer. The cooler weather has definitely helped as the hens don't lay much when it is hot. My mom has been happy that we are averaging at least two duck eggs a day. They are keeping her well fed.


My 2nd cousin Ira, came in for a visit from Virginia last month. He has lots of pets at home including dogs, cats, bearded dragons and guinea pigs. He felt right at home here on the farm.


My 3rd cousins, Brooklyn and Harper came out for a farm visit last week. They were so excited that I had some newly hatched baby ducks for them to hold and carry around. Reminds me of when I was a kid...Good Memories.


Pleasant surprise when this little sunflower came up in one of the asparagus beds. I guess it was planted by wild birds. Hope they plant more next year.


Everywhere you look around the farm, you will see ducks. I love my Muscovy's even though they can make a big mess, but they give us fresh eggs and keep the bug population down around the farm.

I hope everyone is finding something fun to do this summer and taking pleasure in the little things.  

Stay well.  Kim

Farm Fresh News


My image of McReid greeting Anthony and his dad, Doug, will be featured in the September/October 2020 issue of Grit Magazine

I'm delighted to announce that this will be the fourth time that Grit Magazine has selected one of my images to feature in their magazine.  While they don't publish photo credits, they do pay for the use of my images and that allows me to keep doing what I am doing.  This issue should hit newsstands soon.  

GRIT is a bi-monthly magazine distributed throughout the United States and Canada that celebrates country lifestyles of all kinds while emphasizing the importance of community and stewardship. 

GRIT offers practical advice, product reviews, livestock guides, gardening, cooking and other do-it-yourself information, humor and the inspirational stories of folks who moved to the country and love it. Each issue covers topics related to country living, land management, wildlife, gardening, livestock or pets, skills and techniques, seasonal food, community, machinery or tools, and lifestyle events.


Some more good news to share.  I, along with several other artists, was supposed to show at the Missouri Life Market back in April at Powell Gardens near Kansas City, MO.  As with all the other art shows this year, it was canceled.  We were offered a full refund of our booth fee or the option to have an ad run in the Christmas edition of Missouri Life Magazine for a much-reduced rate of what a normal ad would cost.  Naturally...I opted for the ad.  So if you subscribe to Missouri Life or pick up a November/December 2020 issue, you will see this ad somewhere in the magazine.  I'm very excited.  No way I envisioned this ten years ago when I started selling note cards out of the back of my pick up truck.

In addition to this great news, I was contacted last week by Danita Wood, Editorial Director for Missouri Life.  They will be using an image of mine, Santa Pig, in their insert for the November/December issue.  Most of you have probably seen my photo of Lupe, a little Tamworth piglet, from the Stuart Farm in Gerald, MO.  Serena, the farmer, worked hard to get her piglets use to wearing a hat because I lack the skills to photoshop a hat on a pig.  Anyhow, with her help, I was able to capture a cute pic of Lupe wearing a Santa hat.  It is adorable, and you'll see it in the magazine for their Christmas issue.  I'll have a few Christmas note card packs available on my website too.  Can't wait to get my hands on this edition.  It is so exciting and humbling to see my work out there in the world.  I am so appreciative of all the folks who have encouraged and supported my adventures in photography.

Meet Sam Wiseman of Sunflower Savannah Farm


Sam Wiseman of Sunflower Savannah Farm grows a variety of flowers, fruits, veggies to take to market as well as raising heritage breed sheep and ducks.

Meet Sam Wiseman of Sunflower Savannah Farm in Beaufort, MO.  

I was first introduced to Sam by another one of my farmers.  She and her husband have 22 acres which they have been farming for over 20 years.  Sam is a regular at the Tower Grove Farmers Market in St. Louis which runs April - November.  She markets fresh- cut flowers from her garden as well as heirloom fruits and veggies, fresh free-range eggs (chicken & duck), roasting and stewing hens, lamb and duck.  She is considered a specialty crop farmer and certified Naturally Grown.

Sam and her husband, Bill, raise two heritage breeds that are on the endangered list--St. Croix sheep and Cayuga ducks.  Both are in the Watch category.  The Livestock Conservancy list farm animals by endangered status as Critical, Threatened, Watch, Recovering, and Study according to how many purebred births are registered each year.  Sam first became interested in raising heritage breed (old fashioned breeds) of livestock and poultry, about 15 years ago.  Both the St. Croix and the Cayuga are listed in the Slow Food Ark of Taste which is a living catalog of delicious and distinctive foods facing extinction. According to the Ark of Taste, agricultural biodiversity and small–scale, family-based food production systems are in danger throughout the world due to industrialization, genetic erosion, changing consumption patterns, climate change, the abandonment of rural areas, migration, and conflict.

Sam's earliest experience with livestock is when her dad gave her a goat for her 5th birthday.  On her way to becoming a farmer, she has been a gas station manager ( I did a stint at that job too ); she has also worked at an herb farm and in tree services.  If she were not farming, Sam would love to search for sea treasures.  Her dream vacation would be a visit to the Greek Islands.

The biggest challenge around the farm is maintaining spaces for her livestock.  Keeping up with fence and pasture rotation is a never-ending task.  New lambs and watching the sheep graze around the lake is one of the biggest joys and like many farmers, she has a favorite critter who happens to be one of her sheep, Wildflower.  

For Sam, raising diversified animal species is an important aspect of food production.  Heritage breeds are much hardier, more disease-resistant, better mothers, foragers, and are suited for traditional, sustainable farming practices.  You can follow Sam on Instagram @SunflowerSavannahFarm or click here to visit her website.  

You can always catch Sam at the Tower Grove Farmers Market​ to learn more about heirloom veggies and the heritage breed products she has to offer.  


Deja vu....Two of Sam's St. Croix sheep. They are well adapted to the heat and humidity of Missouri as they are a hair sheep that sheds their wool.


Onyx is one of Sam's Cayuga ducks. They are on the Livestock Conservancy's Watch list. Considered one of the hardiest of all domestic ducks, they are excellent egg layers and excellent foragers.

You can find images of Sam's sheep and ducks available for purchase on my website​ or learn more about my Heritage Breed Photo Project at



Title: Doe Eyed Baby (Miracle) Animal: Alpaca Endangered Status: Safe Farm: Northern Prairie Alpacas (Sullivan, MO)

Two weeks ago I had the opportunity to visit three farms in one day for mini photoshoots.  I had done this at the end of last month too, however, it was hotter and the flies were a bit of a problem.  With a little bit of luck, I took advantage of a mild August day...Can you believe I said that...Mild August Day???  I'm not going to complain about that at all, however, I bet we will pay for it come December.  Anyhow, I took advantage of an opportunity to revisit two of the farms and added an extra one in the mix.  

My last stop of the day was at my friend Deb's place where she and her sister Pat, have a small herd of alpacas.  After dinner, I headed out to the pasture and just hung out with these amazing critters.  They have three new babies...Athena, The Wizard, and the baby pictured above, Miracle.  She really is a miracle as she was turned wrong at birth and the vet had to come out to pull her to save her mom Fortuna's life.  Neither Deb nor the vet expected the baby to make it, thus the name Miracle. She was fourteen days old when I took the photo above.  Still a little skittish around strangers, it took me a while for her to settle down, but my patience paid off big time.  I can't stop smiling when I look at this photo...she really is, just that cute.  

Be sure to visit my website as I have been adding new work featuring alpacas, Randall cows, Brabant horses, Cayuga ducks, St. Croix sheep, American Milking Devon cows, and Tamworth pigs.  All of these animals are currently on the Livestock Conservancy's endangered list except Alpacas, which are thankfully, safe, but that hasn't always been the case.

A portion of my sales goes to the Livestock Conservancy to help aide in their educational programs, grants for small farmers, research and breeding programs to prevent extinction of old fashioned breeds of livestock and poultry.  

Click here to learn more about the Livestock Conservancy​. 



Featured Artists for the Best of Missouri Hands "On the Road" series. Showing on the Photography Channel in the gallery and online August 15 - September 12, 2020 at the Hannibal Arts Council

View 30 of my images in gallery on the large screen television or online at...

For Gallery information please visit Hannibal Arts​.


Look for my two pieces, Tongue Tied and Arlo & Dash at the Holy Cow exhibit which is currently hanging at the Hannibal Arts Council.  The exhibit runs through September 12, 2020.  My pieces are hanging in the gallery which is open 9 am - 5 pm Monday, Wednesday-Friday, 11 am - 2 pm on Saturday, Closed Sunday & Tuesdays.  Mask must be worn when visiting the gallery in person.

Both of my pieces are 24x36.  Tongue Tied which features, Party, a Jersey Milk cow, is stunning on wood and priced at $599.  Arlo & Dash are Randall bulls.  This breed is critically in danger of extinction with less than 200 purebred births registered each year.  Arlo & Dash are on 100% cotton canvas and ready to hang in your home or office.  Both images are limited editions and available in other sizes on my website.  Just look under cows to search for these images.  


Title: Tongue Tied (Party) Breed: Jersey Cow / Endangered Status: Safe / Farm: Mockingbird Creamery in Cameron, MO Follow the farm on Instagram


Title: Arlo & Dash / Breed: Randall Bulls / Endangered Status: Critical / Farm: Witness Tree Farm in Gerald, MO / Farm Website:

Prepare to smile as you check out the Holy Cow open show. Click the pic or the link below to view the entire show


Lots of great rural images on the Photography Channel! This exhibit can be viewed in the gallery on the large screen television or online by clicking the pic or the link.  I have five images in this exhibit.



I am participating in an online group of art show artists that have banded together to promote each other and keep art visible to the masses.  Check out this link Art Show Artists.



In lieu of our annual on-site event, Art Outside is going digital this year. Shop all your favorite artists from the comfort of your couch. Online shop opens Sept. 4-6.

VIRTUAL ART SHOW Historic Shaw Art Fair / October 3-4 /


Many of the galleries and shops that carry my work have reopened.  Please check with them for hours of operation as they may have changed. 



Love animals and the opportunity to make a difference?  You can become one of my Patreon supporters.  For as little as $1 a month, you can follow along as I visit small Missouri farms to capture images of rare breeds of livestock and poultry.  Earn monthly rewards, and together we can raise awareness of endangered breeds of livestock and poultry.

My Patreon Page



Be sure to visit and subscribe to Flapper Press online news.  I have become a regular contributor to this wonderful online magazine.  You can usually find my articles in the animal section under Well-Being.  Visit Flapper Press for Useful Words, Inspiring Stories, and Eclectic Perspectives.


Beauty + Raising Awareness = Purposeful Art

Let's be FRIends