Growing Up Boulder News
All About the Maps
- CFC Maps Gone! -- Seeking Sponsors for Online Version Now
- Buy Laminated Maps for Your Kids' classrooms or Your Family
- We're ON TV!
- Read the Map Project Report
- Visit GUB 10-Year Retrospective Exhibit
- EDRA Achievement Award
- Free Nature Passport App
- GUB In the News
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Digital Version of Boulder's Child-Friendly Map Coming Soon: Be a part of it! Seeking Sponsors
Printed copies Are all Gone!
GUB's first printed, bilingual, child-friendly city map has been so successful since its release on May 4th, that all 10,000 copies are gone, with K-12 schools, families, visitor centers, museums, and uber drivers(!) clamoring for more. Growing Up Boulder is working full-speed ahead on the online version now, and we are seeking sponsors. Here's your chance to be a part of it!
Please help get the word out to others who would like to be part of this as well.
- See for details.
- Tax-deductible sponsorship levels start at $250.
- We have also formed a partnership with Colorado Parent Magazine that will help us share this map and increase our repeated exposure to an additional 20,000+ local families.
First deadline: August 30.
No budget left this year? No problem. Sponsorship possibilities available until Jan. 10, 2020. Sign up now to secure your space and be part of this groundbreaking effort.
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Buy Laminated Maps for your Kids' Classrooms and/or Your Family
School has started! This is the perfect time to gift teachers and schools with a laminated version of the Child-Friendly City Map of Boulder, or to buy one for your family to use and re-use.
Pick them up at the Museum of Boulder Gift Shop, 2205 Broadway. $15.
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Child-Friendly City Map is a Hit
"My family visited Thorne Nature's Sombrero Marsh Environmental Center for the first time this weekend because my daughter found it on the [GUB Child-Friendly] map and suggested it as a family activity."
-- Father of a 4th grade student
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We're on TV!
Check out Channel 8's coverage of the Child-Friendly City Map
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Read the Project Report
Boulder's Child-Friendly City Map Project Report: Summary of the Findings, Summer 2018 - Spring 2019 was written collaboratively by a team of undergraduate students, classroom teachers, and GUB staff. Read how the map-making process worked, the story from the data collected, and suggestions for how other communities can build their own child-friendly city map.
If you have don't time to read the full 44 pages, we suggest reading these highlights:
- The table of contents
- The one paragraph "overview" and "by the numbers" section
- All of the images, including photos, tables, charts, and graphs
- The conclusion
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10-Year Retrospective Exhibit!
Visit GUB's 10-year Retrospective Exhibit at Boulder Public Library through Sept. 2019.
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EDRA Achievement Award for Placemaking Book
Placemaking with Children and Youth: Participatory Practices for Planning Sustainable Communities, co-authored by Victoria Derr, Louise Chawla, an GUB Director Mara Mintzer, was awarded and Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Achievement Award. These awards are given in recognition of a specific contribution or achievement that advances the field of environmental design research through the generation of knowledge, public service, or professional practice.
For more info about the award >>
For more info about the book >>
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Here's an app that can help get your kids outdoors
Nature Passport Outdoor App is a free app from our colleagues in Western Australia. It's a great bridge to get reluctant kids into nature.
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Growing Up Boulder's Vision and mission | |
Growing Up Boulder's vision is to make Boulder an exemplary child- and youth-friendly city. Growing Up Boulder's mission is to empower Boulder's young people with opportunities for inclusion, influence, and deliberation on local issues that affect their lives. | |
Please help get the word out, and ask others to subscribe here... | |
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