Growing Up Boulder News

  • All About the Maps
    • CFC Maps Gone! -- Seeking Sponsors for Online Version Now
    • Buy Laminated Maps for Your Kids' classrooms or Your Family
    • We're ON TV!
    • Read the Map Project Report
  • Visit GUB 10-Year Retrospective Exhibit
  • EDRA Achievement Award
  • Free Nature Passport App
  • GUB In the News

Digital Version of Boulder's Child-Friendly Map Coming Soon: Be a part of it! Seeking Sponsors

Printed copies Are all Gone!

GUB's first printed, bilingual, child-friendly city map has been so successful since its release on May 4th, that all 10,000 copies are gone, with K-12 schools, families, visitor centers, museums, and uber drivers(!) clamoring for more. Growing Up Boulder is working full-speed ahead on  the online version now, and we are seeking sponsors. Here's your chance to be a part of it! 

Please help get the word out to others who would like to be part of this as well.

  • See for details.
  • Tax-deductible sponsorship levels start at $250. 
  • We have also formed a partnership with Colorado Parent Magazine that will help us share this map and increase our repeated exposure to an additional 20,000+ local families.

First deadline: August 30.

No budget left this year?  No problem.  Sponsorship possibilities available until Jan. 10, 2020. Sign up now to secure your space and be part of this groundbreaking effort. 

Sponsor Digital Map >>

Buy Laminated Maps for your Kids' Classrooms and/or Your Family

School has started!  This is the perfect time to gift teachers and schools with a laminated version of the Child-Friendly City Map of Boulder, or to buy one for your family to use and re-use.

Pick them up at the Museum of Boulder​ Gift Shop, 2205 Broadway. $15.


From the mouth of babes


Child-Friendly City Map is a Hit

"My family visited Thorne Nature's Sombrero Marsh Environmental Center for the first time this weekend because my daughter found it on the [GUB Child-Friendly] map and suggested it as a family activity." 

-- Father of a 4th grade student

We're on TV!

Check out Channel 8's coverage of the Child-Friendly City Map


Read the Project Report 

Boulder's Child-Friendly City Map Project Report: Summary of the Findings, Summer 2018 - Spring 2019 was written collaboratively by a team of undergraduate students, classroom teachers, and GUB staff. Read how the map-making process worked, the story from the data collected, and suggestions for how other communities can build their own child-friendly city map. 

If you have don't time to read the full 44 pages, we suggest reading these highlights:  

  1. The table of contents
  2. The one paragraph "overview" and "by the numbers" section
  3. All of the images, including photos, tables, charts, and graphs
  4. The conclusion
Read the Report

'Have more feedback on maps? Or testimonials?

Please email to [email protected].

More Good News!​

10-Year Retrospective Exhibit!

Visit GUB's 10-year Retrospective Exhibit at Boulder Public Library through Sept. 2019.


EDRA Achievement Award for Placemaking Book

Placemaking with Children and Youth: Participatory Practices for Planning Sustainable Communities, co-authored by Victoria Derr, Louise Chawla, an GUB Director Mara Mintzer, was awarded and Environmental Design Research Association (EDRA) Achievement Award. These awards are given in recognition of a specific contribution or achievement that advances the field of environmental design research through the generation of knowledge, public service, or professional practice. 

For more info about the award >>

For more info about the book >>

Parent Tip

Here's an app that can help get your kids outdoors

Nature Passport Outdoor App is a free app from our colleagues in Western Australia.  It's a great bridge to get reluctant kids into nature.


Growing Up Boulder's Vision and mission

Growing Up Boulder's vision is to make Boulder an exemplary child- and youth-friendly city.   Growing Up Boulder's mission is to empower Boulder's young people with opportunities for inclusion, influence, and deliberation on local issues that affect their lives. ​

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