
Exhibitor Update #1

Good afternoon!

We are excited to announce that ACOT guests registration will open this Friday! 

Our marketing campaign will be very rapid and far reaching. With more than 6k contacts and more than 3k physical mailing addresses. The first physical mailout will go out the door next week!

This year we are going beyond K-12 and targeting Higher-ED!

As we open, please encourage your customers to attend the event. Remember we will send out a contact list leading up to the event and after the event, you will also have access to lead retrieval onsite to make those in person connections. 

We do need your help with one thing, we have been very behind on sessions submissions. If you or your company would like to host a 1-hour session (which are free to host), please click on the link below and submit a session. We find that sharing information in a sale pitch free way, helps stir interest in your company. 

Learn more about sessions

Important dates

8-11-23 Registration Opens

10-6-23 All session details must be finalized

10-20-23 lead retrieval, ACOT app and onsite booth staff registration opens

11-1-23 All exhibitor fees are due

Exhibitor Guide

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions:

Darrell Parks [email protected]

Corey Emerson [email protected]