Services Training Podcast

From our Team 

OARs in PDF Format

Be sure to see the August 1st, 2023 provider alert from SOQ regarding updates to the APD AFH Licensing Website. SOQ recently provided links to access the OARs in PDF format. For direct links to the APD OARs in PDF format, see below:

Tip of the Week - Preparing for "The Big One"


It has been 323 years since the Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake. That earthquake was estimated at a magnitude of 8.7-9.2. The earthquake was so large that most data we have on it was recorded from the size of the tidal wave that struck Japan. 

Experts agree that the Pacific Northwest is overdue for another earthquake of this magnitude. Those of us who live west of the Cascade Range (e.g. Portland, Salem, Eugene, Medford), are especially at risk of experiencing the full force of "The Big One." If you live on the coast, you are also at risk of a subsequent, massive tsunami.

Are you ready? This earthquake will be of a magnitude and level of destruction beyond what most of us have ever experienced. That is a risk we take living in the beautiful Pacific NW. You can't control if and when this happens, but you can mitigate risk by making sure you have a plan and are as prepared as possible to keep yourself, your staff, and residents safe. Here are some questions to ask yourself to make sure you are prepared:

  • Emergency Supplies: You are required to have emergency supplies for the residents; however, OAR and MCAR require only a minimum of three days' worth of food and water. Experts recommend at least two weeks of emergency supplies of food and water
  • Emergency Plan: Do you have a list of all emergency contacts available, and have you recently reviewed your emergency preparedness plan? Are your staff and residents clear on what they need to do in the event of a large earthquake?
  • Utility Shut-off: Do you know where to shut off your utilities to the home if necessary? Most homes have shut-off locations for water, natural gas, and electricity. Be sure you know where these are located. 
  • Generator: You're generally not required to have a generator, but it is a good idea. If you have a generator for backup power, do you test it regularly?
  • Early Warning: Make sure Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA) are active on your phone. See the Shake Alert™ earthquake early warning notification page for more information. 

With earthquake preparedness, the key is to focus on what we can control, which is our emergency preparedness. We must plan ahead and be prepared. 

There is more information available on earthquake preparedness through the Oregon Office of Emergency Management. Please visit their website to get more information and to be the best prepared provider you can be!

Individual Option EQC Course


Our Individual Option EQC Course is flexible and available at any time. We offer both EQC Essentials only and the complete course. Follow the steps below. After you attend the interest/preparation session, you will receive the link to register for the course:

Step #2: Register for one of our upcoming EQC preparation sessions:​​

"Plan your work and work your plan."

Napoleon Hill, self-help author (1883-1970)

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