
Connect to the Earth & Heal 5-26-21


Cyclic Information:

During the Wolf energy, we release our JUDGMENT on the wisdom of our soul, brought about by our limited physical perception.  We are humble as we come near Wolf's perfection, as we seek to learn.  We seek this inner love of Wolf and come to know the depth of his wisdom.  The greater our love for All Our Relations, the greater our soul growth and wisdom.  Wolf sends with us, as we return into our daily lives, the truth behind the Sacred Laws of love, understanding, tolerance, patience, and faith.
    Wolf is simple.  Wolf sets an example for us to follow, if we but have the faith to follow in his footsteps.  This is a time when many are reaching this stage of learning, and we live as Wolf lives - ATTAINING UNDERSTANDING!  Having a greater love for All Our Relations; not a love with hidden agendas, but a DEEP DESIRE TO HELP ONE ANOTHER.
    Wolf teaches us that we have been given these physical bodies to use.  If it was intended for us to just sit around and wait for everything to come to us, the Sacred Parents would not have given us our senses to use.


Pull Out Practice:
Daily Affirmations that bring Balance

Instructions: When I was a kid we started our day with an affirmation to the Sun, and closed in the evening with a statement to the Moon.  In this way, we found balance between our masculine and feminine energies… and the Ancestors swept our path free of obstacles.  I invite you to join me.


find answers

I come softly and work in gentle ways.  My task is to allow others to focus forward, as I help them release the illusions that keep them from looking backwards.  I work more silently than some others, but my presence is known when I am called on.  People around me feel my presence as surely as if I am shouting at them.  They feel my presence after I have gone, as they reflect in life a new lightness of being and joy.  This then is my gift to the world in this cycle.  I am a Healer.

Evening… teaching

The spirit power of my totemic guide, and the healing it brings to my life is amazing.  I honor this union of growth.

And so ends my good day.

Join Me over coffee for Morning Prayers at our Facebook Group:
EarthWisdom Global Prayer Web >>


Once we were blinded by what we saw.  Judging others by what the eyes could see, we were only partly right.  Closing our eyes and listening and feeling Wolf shows we come closer to being in-tune with the truth of perception.  With our eyes closed, we feel our inner child, we hear that child's cry, we experience love and compassion.  We learn that our feelings need not change when we open our eyes and only experience this child as an inward presence.  We are still these children.  The same loving soul guides both perspectives.  This makes us realize that we must embrace and love our child-like selves, for they are our innocence and the truth of the path we walk.

In Grandmother Wolf's cry in the moonlight, the truth is always revealed:  "The beauties of this wondrous world are not only for eyes to see, but for the souls to feel.  All other beauties diminish when this richness you feel within.  For the Sacred Parents and their many children's beauties are felt and not always seen.  One may wonder at  this wisdom, until this great love is felt.  Words and actions become stilled through ecstasy of joy within.  This great love is always there.  So limited was the vision.  So muted were the words.  Until you feel the Touch of the Child within.  New horizons widen.  Warmth and love fill the air, then you  know you have only been looking on the outside, when reviewing life with your eyes.  So great this power - so gentle the Child's touch.  So lasting the Child's love.  All other emotions fade, as Grandmother Moon illuminates the sky."


Last thing: pray to the Elementals and then sit in meditative silence with them for about 15-20 minutes gathering their thoughts for the evening.  ----- Be with us here, Spirits of the Air, with your clever fingers tie closely the bonds between myself and Earth Mother.  Be with us here Spirits of Water, give us the deepest of love and richness of body and Spirit.  Be with us here, Spirits of Earth.  Let your strength and consistency be ours for so long as we desire.  Spirit of Fire, give to us that stand before you, your love and protection.
                                                    diyi dihyu… Power Up! – shima

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Earth Healing People: Cyclic Questions to Ask Ourselves

  1. How does emotional health determine my physical health?
  2. What recycling possibilities exist in my community?
  3. What's happening in my community?
  4. What can I do to support positive evolution close to me?