
Ms. Hamilton's and Ms. Mokeler's classes at Teaticket Elementary School enjoying the new courtyard picnic table area for Outdoor Learning.
Thank you to all who helped make these picnic tables a reality!

A message from our committee

As we approach the end of 2021, we'd like to take a moment to thank the Falmouth community. Without the hundreds of volunteer hours, thousands of dollars in donations, and the collaborative efforts of school staff and parents, outdoor learning in town would still just be an idea. We see the success of the project every day in our children's smiles as they learn outside and we're grateful they're growing up knowing their community supports their learning and their well-being. 

We're excited to announce that all seven of Falmouth's public schools now have WeatherPort Outdoor Learning tents. They're incredibly strong and withstood the Nor'easter that hit us in October. Even as the weather gets colder, each school continues to use the tents for outdoor learning, mask breaks, snack time, and more! 

Some schools now have two tents and we're working on getting more installed in the spring. If you'd like to donate to support the tent purchases, please donate via the Rotary Club of Falmouth Cape Cod, a 501c3 organization via check or on their website.  

While many of our schools have supplies to support Outdoor Learning, we still have need in a few different areas which include things like picnic tables; seating; storage; and outdoor curriculum enhancement such as gardening tools, snow shoes and more! We also are just about completed with the first phase of the Nature Trail project which can be seen at Teaticket Elementary and throughout Teaticket Park. Our goal is to bring this to the three remaining elementary schools by spring and then Morse Pond, Lawrence and the High School. We are in process of awaiting grants but welcome any support from our community! The trail project will also be something that you can enjoy as a family together and is tied in with student curriculum.

Other ways to donate:

For those interested in donating monetarily to the Outdoor Learning project overall OR for specific school requests you have seen posted we have several ways to do so. All donations must have a note whether on a memo line or in their online memo. (Example below) 

Checks: made out Rotary Club of Falmouth-these we can pickup directly from you or you can mail to PO Box 293 Falmouth MA 02541

Example: If you want to donate to Morse Pond for picnic tables you would write: Outdoor learning-Morse-picnic tables on your memo.

If you have ideas or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out. 

Respectfully Your Leadership Team,

Amy Leonardi, Liz Lerner, Kelly Blau, Leona Silva, Corinne Minshall, Amy Wyman, Jackie Jepsen, Danielle Sabens, Beth Dusan, Laurel Smith, Sarah Vendetti, Randi Oakley, Melissa Gray, Kate Skehill, Kristina Woods, Paul McCadam & Garth Smelser


Outdoor Learning and Professional Development

In collaboration with the Outdoor Learning Committee, the Office of Teaching & Learning hosted a new professional learning opportunity. The experience took place in September with two sessions from Green Schoolyards America. Teachers were able to apply what they learned with their students under the district's new tents!


Collaborative Project at Mullen-Hall

Mrs. Jazo and Mrs. Johnson at Mullen-Hall are collaborating on a unique outdoor project. They'd like to paint the tree stump seats under the Outdoor Learning tent to match the rug in the music room. Students will be participating in the project. If you'd like to donate to the project please make note in the details of your donation. 

Check out this thank-you video by Mullen-Hall's music teacher, Mrs. Jazo. She says, "we are having so much fun singing under the tent!"

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