Good Neighbors, Inc.                                               April 21, 2024
The purpose of Good Neighbors is to help families and individuals in times of crisis and need with clothing, emergency food and support.


​The Good Neighbors Organization

Recent reviews on our Good Neighbors Community Outreach & Food Center and Cuyahoga Falls Good Neighbors Google Business Pages:
"It was the first time I went there. The amount of food I received was awesome and the volunteers were great. I couldn't have asked for any better."
"Nice, friendly & helpful."
"Love the staff. They're super friendly. The fact they take time out of their lives to assist those that need a little help. They provide great foods. Plenty of variety, from canned goods to berry pies, frozen meats like chicken hamburger which come in huge packs. Fresh fruit and vegetables are always something they try to give the most of. No complaints here. This is just absolutely wonderful the love these people give out for others."


    The Akron Canton Regional Food Bank report for 2023:
    During 2023, our Community Outreach and Food Center  Volunteers picked up and distributed more than 685,138 pounds of food and 188,617 pounds of produce from the food bank.
    Our Cuyahoga Falls Unit Volunteers picked up and distributed more than 420,530 pounds of food and 99,284 pounds of produce from the food bank.
    Our Green Unit Volunteers picked up and distributed more than 72,930 pounds of food and 14,613 pounds of produce from the food bank. They also picked up and distributed 16,952 pounds of food for senior  boxes.
    This does not include food that our volunteers picked up and distributed from grocery stores, bakeries, restaurants and food drives.

    During 2023, volunteers at our 6 locations gave more than 43,200 hours to help 18,300 households (58,000 individuals) with groceries and personal care items and 7,200 households (21,200 individuals) with clothing. Many of these families received diapers, formula, baby food, layettes, household items, cleaning supplies, books, school supplies,  holiday food, Christmas gifts and gift cards.


Good Neighbors, Inc. Governing Board:
Jenny Siebert, Kathy Frye, Debi Foss, Wilma McMasters, George Camilletti, Toni Amos, Beth Stalnaker Burch, Susan Reynolds, Bob Roberts, Patricia Stiles, Alberta VeriBill Wise

Unit Activities

The Community Outreach and Food Center
​Of Good Neighbors


The Good Neighbors Food Center's entrance and parking lot are located at 1460 Bingham Path, Akron, 44305

    Sending our deepest sympathy and condolences to volunteers  Charlene Nevada Krummel who recently lost her husband Art Krummel, Roger Cox who lost his brother and Jerry McLean who lost his sister.
    Joan Lastocy and her husband Don were past volunteers, sadly she recently passed away. George Camilletti said they were wonderful volunteers who got him involved with Good Neighbors.
    Sending prayers and get well wishes to Valerie Lowe Hawks. Valerie and her husband Mark volunteer on Tuesdays. Her late mother Ruth Lowe was our past council president and helped open our first Good Neighbors food center.   
    "Alpha Krappa" Widows Group donates much needed items and funds every year. Recently, they made a generous monetary donation.
    Temple Israel donated vases for our clients. They donate items throughout the year.
    Green Valley United Methodist Church has set up collection bins to benefit our food center. They donate items throughout the year.
    Cornerstone Community Church recently closed and provided our food center with a very generous financial donation from their liquidation sale. 
    Doug Miller "The Fish Guy" continues to donate food throughout the month which he purchases from Acme Fresh Market.
    We appreciate Roger & Brenda Cox, Jenny Siebert and Doug Miller turning in their receipts for Acme Fresh Market's  Community Cash Back Program. Thank you to Acme Fresh Market for their continued support.
    Thursday volunteers Julie & John Bates donated Easter bags filled with gifts and goodies for the children visiting our food center. They donate Christmas gifts and many other items throughout the year.
    Westminster Presbyterian Church, Whole Foods, Panera Bread, Flowers Bakery and Giant Eagle donate food and other items weekly or monthly.
    Robinson CLC, Windemere CLC and Jennings CLC ​recently held food drives for our pantry. 
    Thursday volunteers Kathy Frye and Kelli Heid and Wednesday volunteers Bob & Lynn Roberts have been filling on days when we are short-staffed. 
    Valerie Straw volunteers on Mondays, organizes our food drives and comes in when we are closed to repackage and restock our pet food. She also picks up donations and informational materials needed for clients. She served as our past council president and vice president.
    George Camilletti, Bill Sudduth, Mike Letta, Roger Reynolds, Bill Wise, Bill Genovese, Paul Iacobucci, Jenny Siebert, Deborah Hayden, Bob & Lynn Roberts and Jim & Bobbie Stone help with food deliveries throughout the week. Volunteers are always needed to help pick up food and/or unload deliveries. 
    George Camilletti celebrated his 79th birthday on March 31st. He manages and maintains our central office, food center and annex buildings and property. He also serves as our Trustee Chairman and Ways & Means Chairman. We are grateful for everything that he does for our organization. He is planning on retiring from Good Neighbors on his 80th birthday and will be greatly missed. We have volunteers stepping up to help take over his many tasks when he does retire.
    Trustee and Thursday volunteer Bill Wise helps George Camilletti with maintenance and repairs on our buildings and equipment.
    Each day, our volunteers order and deliver food and other supplies, unload deliveries and donations, restock our pantry, pick up food drive donations, defrost freezers, clean and maintain our buildings, help raise and donate funds, donate much needed items, serve those in need, and serve on our governing board and council committees.
    Our food center is open Monday through Thursday from 12-3 p.m. We are open every week of the year. We only close for major holidays and when the Akron Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather. 
    Thank you to all of our volunteers and supporters for your generosity and help throughout the year. 


Happy Birthday to Richard McMasters. He was born on Leap Year Day 92 years ago. He and his wife Wilma are longtime dedicated volunteers.


Every year, Emmanuel United Church of Christ donates beautifully decorated bags of food.

The Cuyahoga Falls Unit of Good Neighbors


The Cuyahoga Falls Good Neighbors is located at 1742 2nd Street, Cuyahoga Falls, 44221

Unit activity for January through March:
    Ted Mosko, Mike & Toni Amos and Alice created materials and manned a booth at Cuyahoga Falls High School's Diversity Showcase. We were able to highlight our services to the community.
    Sutliff Apartments Resident Council had an appreciation lunch for Cuyahoga Falls Good Neighbors and Cuyahoga Falls Fire and Police Departments. Mayor Don Walters attended. Several of our volunteers enjoyed a nice luncheon. We have many clients that live in this high-rise  apartment building.
    We received $360.00 from Acme Fresh Market's Community Cash Back Program.
Donation Drives:
    Stow High School's Student Council had a clothing drive for us.  We received an abundance of clothes for teens and adults. They had a great time learning and helping us sort the donations.
    Holy Family Catholic Church continues to provide us with a monthly food and clothing donation.
    HiHo Brewing Company and Restaurant is currently having a clothing and toiletries drive to be delivered on April 24th.
    Butcher & Sprout Restaurant donated 60 Eclipse boxed lunches for us to distribute.
Cost Savings:
    We found a similar size grocery bag that we have sourced locally and annual savings will be approximately $1,300.
    January through March, our 43 volunteers worked 3,955 hours!  
    We have started to implement 4-6 week team meetings on alternating  Tuesdays or Thursdays to improve communication. Notes are distributed after each meeting.
Supplier Recognition:
    To recognize our suppliers, we will send a thank you and provide a treat. We recognized Fresh 'n Crisp Farms of Hudson. They provide us with delicious organic lettuce every Monday. We hand delivered a thank you note and pastry tray. Their products can be found at Acme, Giant Eagle, Marc’s and Kreiger's. Please support them.
Unit Information:
    For unit updates, please visit our website at
    Open on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.


Ted Mosko and Mike Amos answered questions about our services during a community event at the Cuyahoga Falls Natatorium.

The Ellet Unit of Good Neighbors


The Ellet Good Neighbors is located on the first floor of North Springfield Presbyterian Church, 2630 Albrecht Avenue, Akron, 44312

    Chris Krinjeck Bolyard manages the Ellet Unit and reported that they are in need of canned goods, peanut butter, jelly, pasta, sauces, soup, crackers, soap, deodorant, dishwashing soap, toilet paper, paper towels, clothing, gift cards and monetary donations.
    Approximately 20 families are receiving food and clothing every month.   
    Open for donations and client visits on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of every month from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.

The Green Unit of Good Neighbors


The Green Good Neighbors is located in the back of Greensburg United Methodist Church, 2161 Greensburg Road, Green, 44232

    Patricia Stiles manages the Green Unit and reported that drive-thru food distribution and in-building clothing distribution will remain in effect.
    Clients were happy to receive $25 grocery store gift cards for Easter.
    We are grateful for the support of our community.
    Open on Wednesdays from 9:00 a.m. until noon. Open the first 4 Wednesdays of the month and closed on the 5th Wednesday. 

The Superior-Wooster Clothing Unit
of Good Neighbors


The Superior-Wooster Good Neighbors is located in Centenary United Methodist Church, 1310 Superior Avenue, Akron, 44307

    Lee Thomas and Wilma McMasters manage the Superior-Wooster Clothing Unit. Client visits continue to increase. Approximately 12 families are receiving clothing every week.
    Personal care items, new underclothing and baby diapers are always needed. 
    We appreciate the help from Green Good Neighbors with clothing donations and Good Neighbors Community Outreach and Food Center with diapers and supplies.
​    Open on Tuesdays from 9:30 a.m. until noon. 

The Tallmadge Unit of Good Neighbors


The Tallmadge Good Neighbors is located at 74 Community Drive, Tallmadge, 44278

    Candy Lorkowski who manages the Tallmadge Unit reported that they are grateful for the support of their community.
    From January through March, our 6 volunteers gave 510 hours to help 72 families (147 individuals) with clothing, 77 families (152 individuals) with food and 41 families (87 individuals) with food and gifts for Easter.
    We are open on Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.


Thank you to our volunteers and supporters!
​Happy Spring!

Good Neighbors, Inc. continues to meet all twenty 
BBB Standards for Charitable Accountability.

For additional information and updates,
please visit our website or Facebook page.