Pathways Rhythms

February 2021


Silence is the discipline that helps us to go beyond the entertainment quality of our lives.

― Henri Nouwen, Can You Drink the Cup?

Online Ash Wednesday Noon Prayer 

February 17, noon-12:30pm


​​Marking the beginning of Lent, this annual service includes scripture, confession, silence, the sprinkling of ashes, and blessing.

Join us on Zoom by clicking here on February 17 at 12 noon.

Reading during Lent


Looking for a good book to read during Lent? Tuesday morning prayers will include readings from Henri Nouwen’s book, Can You Drink the Cup? This was the last book published before Nouwen’s death in 1996. In it, Nouwen reflects upon the metaphor of the cup, using the images of holding, lifting, and drinking to    articulate the basics of the spiritual life.

Retreat Resources

Last month, a Pathways guest shared the impact that the practice of regular personal retreats have had in her life.. If you missed it, find her story here.  This month, we offer a one-page resource entitled "Guidance for First-Time Retreatants" accessible from our Resources page. Many other prayer resources are on our website. 


Pathways is on Facebook & Instagram

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Pathways Retreat is a spiritual retreat center for

Rest, Reflection and Renewal.


Linda Lehman Thomas

Evan Miller

Julie Stegelmann