important dates & district news | |
Click on the calendar to see full PTO calendar. | |
- 4/28: PVSD Bingo, 5-6:30 pm
4/30: PVSF Gala, 6-10 pm
5/5: School Board Meeting, 5 pm
5/6: PVSD Picnic, 4-7 pm
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- 4/26: How to Keep the Lines of Communication Open with Your Child or Teen, 5:30 pm
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4/25-4/29 Staff Appreciation Week
- 4/29 Zoo to You Assembly
5/2 1st Grade Field Trip to Oakland Zoo
5/4 Kinder-garden Celebration
5/20 Wheelchair Warriors Assembly
5/23 3rd Grade Parents Meeting at CMS
5/24 3rd Grade Visit to Corte Madera
5/25 Musical Medley Revue
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Parent Survey for LCAP
Dear PVSD Parents & Guardians, The State of California requires that school districts develop a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), which requires school districts to gather input from students, teachers, and parents to determine the goals, actions, and budget priorities for the district. Data from the California Dashboard must be used to determine funding priorities, which are based on eight State priorities.
The first portion of the survey contains questions about the district in general followed by questions that relate specifically to your child. If you have multiple children in the district, you will be asked this series of questions about each child.
PVSD values your input as important partners in the education of our students. As we reflect upon our district's academic programs and our school climate, we would appreciate your participation in completing this parent survey, which should take approximately 12 minutes. Your responses are anonymous and will help us to develop performance goals for our students as we strive for continuous improvement of our district programs and design our Local Control Accountability Plan goals for 2022 - 2023.
This survey will open on Friday, April 22nd, and close on Friday, April 29th at 5:00 pm. Survey link:
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Whether you will be attending Rock of Bingo on Thursday, April 28th or not, don’t miss out on joining in the raffle! Enter to win a $250 gift card to Zotts, an assortment of Fogarty wines, a $300 gift card to Bianchini’s, or a Rosewood Spa Basket. You need not attend Bingo Night to win; this is anyone’s chance to get lucky and help the PTO for a Win-Win scenario! Those attending the event can buy raffle tickets with cash there and/or use this online option. The online option will close on April 22nd.
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2022 PVSF FANfare Gala: connectivity + comaraderie = community
Don’t forget to purchase your tickets to PVSF’s FANfare coming up this Saturday, April 30th at Alpine Hills, 6-10pm. Bring friends, parents, siblings, neighbors or a significant other and come enjoy the evening to support our schools. Attire is Portola Valley comfortable.
This party with a purpose raises funds for “Creating our Future Together: Spaces that teach, connect and inspire.” The 2022 Fund-A-Need supports the purchase of flexible furniture for the newly constructed Ormondale STREAM courtyard and CMS atrium. These adaptable spaces and furnishings will support small group collaborations, independent work, debates and discussions, mobile activities such as art exhibits, and countless more endeavors inspired by the students and staff. Student groups at each campus will be involved in the research and design process alongside PVSD administrators and teachers. Their insights will be key to ensuring these common spaces fit the needs of our student base.
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Save the Date for our PVSD Picnic at the Town Center Friday, May 6
We’re so excited to have our first ever SPRING school district picnic on Friday, May 6 at the Portola Valley Town Center. We’ve missed our back to school picnics the last two years and we are anxious to start rebuilding that wonderful school community feeling PVSD is known for!
Bring a picnic dinner and join us at the Town Center from 4-7 pm on Friday, May 6! There will be an ice cream truck sponsored by the PTO and fun and games for all!
Interested in helping plan this fun, community building event? Please email event chairs Katie Wilson or Rachel Reilly
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Please consider enrolling in the following programs to benefit our PTO.
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Make your Amazon purchases through Amazon Smile and help our schools! Go to and select "Portola Valley Parent Teacher Organization" as your designated organization.
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staff appreciation week april 25-29
Show a little extra love to our Ormondale teachers and staff this week. This is Staff Appreciation Week at Ormondale! You should have received communications from your room parents on how you can help show our amazing staff your appreciation. Here is the schedule of events we have to celebrate our great staff:
Our theme for the week is “Around the World”
- Monday, April 25th: Destination: Sweden: Custom Coffee Cart and fresh Swedish pastries
- Tuesday, April 26th: Destination Hawaii; Flowers color our world. Flower delivery
- Wednesday, April 27th Destination: Italy; Italian Luncheon and Slow Flow Yoga
- Thursday, April 28th: Destination Ancient Egypt: Class gifts and cards distributed to staff
- Friday, April 29th: Destination: Mexico: Breakfast burritos in the staff room
Thank you for all you do to appreciate our teachers and wonderful staff.
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staff appreciation week - volunteers needed wednesday, april 27
We still need a few volunteers to help supervise the pick-up line on Wednesday so the teachers can enjoy lunch together. Sign up here. Please remember all volunteers need to submit proof of vaccination, including booster, or submit a recent negative Covid test on the day of volunteering. Please send details to Katy Barresi
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lunch recess volunteers for 1st-3rd grade
Please come help supervise our active 1st-3rd graders during lunchtime recess. The weather is getting nice and it’s fun to see our kids interact and play with their friends. Sign up here to help. Note that you can sign up for one or multiple recess slots on a given day. Please remember all volunteers need to submit proof of full vaccination, including booster, or submit a recent negative Covid test on the day of volunteering. Please send details to Katy Barresi
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Thank you Erin Sanders & Pizza Lunch Volunteers (photo attached)
Huge thank you to Erin Sanders for organizing the PTO sponsored Pizza Lunch last Wednesday for all of our students! Thanks also to volunteers Julie Harding, Renae Killen, Rebecca Li, Leigh Pyle, and Rob Smoot for your help setting up, serving, and cleaning up lunch.
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CMS Spirit Day: Hat Day, Friday, April 29th
The next CMS Spirit Day is this Friday, April 29th. All students are encouraged to wear a hat for "Hat day" to earn spirit points for their grade!
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Popsicle Friday: May 13th End of School Day
To celebrate the end of state testing on Friday, May 13th, the PTO will be handing out popsicles to all students at the end of the day! Hooray for popsicle Friday!
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CMS Middle School Dance: Spring Fling! Friday, May 13th, 7-9pm
CMS will be having their first middle school dance (in over 2 years!), for grades 6-8, on Friday, May 13th from 7-9pm. The 8th grade Student Council is busy planning and organizing the event and the theme is Spring Fling! This event is only for current 6th-8th grade CMS students and will take place indoors in the MUR.
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CMS Minimum Day: Wednesday, May 18th
The last CMS Minimum Day is Wednesday, May 18th. School will be out at 12:15 pm on this day and lunch will not be served. These minimum days give our staff valuable planning time to work in grade level teams and departments.
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CMS Spring Extravaganza: Pops Concert and Art Show! Thursday, May 19th, 5pm
Ms. Horgan and Ms. Bol are working hard to set up a wonderful showcase of our students' work this year. Please mark your calendars and join us on Thursday, May 19th at 5pm to hear our CMS Band students perform outside and observe your child's artwork! We will be setting up on the CMS blacktop and encourage families to bring blankets/chairs and sit on the grass. Bring your own picnic dinner and PTO will provide a sweet treat that evening to families.
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How to Keep the Lines of Communication Open with Your Child or Teen
Donald E. Grant, Jr., PsyD, Executive Director, Mindful Training Solutions, LLC
Tuesday, April 26, 2022, 2022, 5:30pm – 6:30pm PDT, Online Event (Live)
We want our children to learn to express themselves — within the family, in school, and in the community in which they live.
How can you keep the lines of communication open, even when the conversation may involve difficult topics like race/ethnicity, identity, and culture? And what should you do if your child is angry, withdrawn, or resistant? Join Donald E. Grant, Jr., PsyD, mental health and child/adolescent development expert, to learn more.
Parents/caregivers, educators, mental health professionals, and community members welcome! Free admission. Simultaneous Spanish interpretation will be available.
This special event is sponsored by Peninsula Health Care District and San Mateo Union High School District, in partnership with The Parent Venture.
Questions? Contact Charlene Margot, MA, Co-Founder and CEO, The Parent Venture, at The Parent Education Series is a program of The Parent Venture, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
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All community news is posted on the pto website
For details, click the orange Community News button below and scroll through the listings.
Become a Ravenswood Classroom Partners volunteer
AYSO Region 25 Looking for Fall 2022 Volunteers
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