
Mrs. Gorham's 3rd grade class had some fun drumming outside in the snow for Music with Mrs. Jazo! Photo Credit: Mullen-Hall

A message from our committee

There might be snow on the ground, but that doesn't mean outdoor learning is on hiatus. Many teachers and classes are still outside enjoying the benefits of fresh air and open space, and the committee is still hard at work too. 

After months of research and discussions with the schools, WeatherPort tents are sturdy-enough for New England weather and appropriate for outdoor classroom use. We're making headway in raising enough money to purchase tents for all of Falmouth's public schools, but we still need community support. Purchasing these tents will cost over $100,000 and we are just about halfway. 

We are so close and it is with the support of our families, our businesses and our local partners we can achieve something special for our students. We are running a marathon and everyone is part of the team!

Respectfully Your Leadership Team,

Amy Leonardi, Liz Lerner, Kelly Blau, Corinne Minshall, Amy Wyman, Jackie Jepsen, Danielle Sabens, Laurel Smith & Garth Smelser


Thank you Falmouth Road Race!

We would like to thank the Falmouth Road Race for their extremely generous grant donation of $10,000 towards shelters for Outdoor Learning Classrooms! Their commitment to the overall health and well being of our community, our children and our teachers/staff is beyond compare. This brings us even closer to our goal to fund 15 shelters. We are humbled to have been selected as one of the recipients for this year.


Volunteers Needed

We will need many volunteers when we receive tents this spring. No firm commitment is needed, but please let us know if you wish to be on the list (and what school) so we can contact you when the time comes. We will need 5-10 volunteers per school. We are also looking for volunteer certified licensed contractors to oversee the anchoring process by the volunteers so please let us know if you are one. Please email: falmouthoutdoorlearning@gmail.com 


Another Collaborative Project!

Falmouth Public Schools Math Coach Stacey Strong reached out with a request: 500 discs made from cut trees. Outdoor Learning volunteers cut and delivered hundreds of these discs to Stacey so she can create a fun outdoor math game for Falmouth school kids! 

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