A message from our committee
There might be snow on the ground, but that doesn't mean outdoor learning is on hiatus. Many teachers and classes are still outside enjoying the benefits of fresh air and open space, and the committee is still hard at work too.
After months of research and discussions with the schools, WeatherPort tents are sturdy-enough for New England weather and appropriate for outdoor classroom use. We're making headway in raising enough money to purchase tents for all of Falmouth's public schools, but we still need community support. Purchasing these tents will cost over $100,000 and we are just about halfway.
If you would like to make a donation please do so via the Rotary Club of Falmouth Cape Cod, a 501c3 organization via check or on their website.
We are so close and it is with the support of our families, our businesses and our local partners we can achieve something special for our students. We are running a marathon and everyone is part of the team!
Respectfully Your Leadership Team,
Amy Leonardi, Liz Lerner, Kelly Blau, Corinne Minshall, Amy Wyman, Jackie Jepsen, Danielle Sabens, Laurel Smith & Garth Smelser