What's New with kuraby masjid

Masjid updates


Youth Event less than a week away

This coming Saturday the Masjid will hold a launch event for our youth group. 

The program will start at 6pm and is strictly for youth 16+. Other musallees are encouraged to support the food stalls


International Women's Day

International women's day 

Watch this week's Khutbah by Imam Ahmed on on the legacy of some of the amazing female personalities in Islam

Masjid Al Farooq YouTube

Saint Peter's Parish (Rochedale) Visits Kuraby Masjid

On Saturday 22 February 2020, Kuraby Masjid hosted Saint Peter's Parish from Rochedale. The purpose of this event was to take our brothers and sisters from Saint Peter's for a tour of the Masjid, give them a bit of background as to who we are and what we do, and to continue the conversations that started after the Sri Lankan bombings last year when the Masjid sent Saint Peter's (among other Church groups) some flowers and a message of condolence and solidarity.

Allhumdulilalah, the event went very well and the relationship between Kuraby Masjid and Saint Peter's was further strengthened. 

The Masjid strongly believes that inter faith dialogue is important in our diverse community. We share similar beliefs to our brothers and sisters from different faiths, and it is important that we unite on our similarities and respect our differences.

The Masjid hosts a number of schools, faith groups and visitors throughout the year. If you would like to be involved please complete the volunteer form on our website: https://www.kurabymosque.org.au/volunteer.html


New muslim support 

Alhamdulilah a  training session was run last week by our partner organisation Brisbane Muslim Fellowship. We had 11 volunteers attend


Clean up Australia Day

We had over 50 people (adults and children) attend our clean up Australia Day at Svoboda park Kuraby. Thank you to all of the volunteers who came to clean up our local park


Volunteer search 

Video / Media - If you have skills in creating videos and editing and would like to volunteer, kindly email us and include a link to your portfolio.

Newsletter / content creator - We are seeking a person to assist with creating a regular newsletter. The content will also be for our website and social media.

Historical information - If you have an interest in collating and creating historical information on the masjid please get in touch. This will entail historical pictures, news articles, building works etc.

Masjid Clean up - Every fortnight after Fajr a group of brothers clean the Masjid, if you would like to assist please contact us

Other areas - if you have ideas or an interest in projects you feel would benefit the Masjid, please email us with a detailed plan.

Masjid activities 

Ladies Quran halaqa (English)
Monday from 10 am to 1 pm 
Contact: Sister Imaan 0449 610 386
Al-Huda Institute: Ladies Quran Tafseer Class (URDU)
Tuesday and Thursday from 10 am to 1 pm
Contact: Br Salman 0416 846 876
Ladies Halaqa (Arabic) 
Wednesday from 10 am to 1 pm
Contact: Sr Umm Yucef 0433 961 799 

Ladies beginner / revert classes (English)
Saturday Mornings -
Contact: Sister Imaan 0449 610 386

Males learn to read Quran
Sunday mornings after Fajr
Contact: Selim 0422 639 965

Seerah & Tafseer program
Every Saturday after Maghrib to Esha

Youth amazing Sahaba stories
Every Sunday after Fajr (breakfast for youth included)


Prayer Times

Fajr:           5:15
Zuhr:         12:45
Asr:            4:45
Magrib:     6:20
Esha:         7:45
Jumu'ah   1:00

Next Salah Time change 18th of March

Something of interest - Recreating Muslim sailors' first voyages to Australia

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