RFH Rowing Booster Club Update

We're excited to announce that a new board was elected at the July 13th Board Meeting!  fall rowing is right around the corner, we are looking for volunteers to help with fundraising, tailgates and more as we prepare for the 2022/2023 school year. You can reach us by email: [email protected] 



President - Megan Ferber

Oversees Board.  Ensure Board seats remain filled.  Facilitate communications with coaches, team, town, parents and community.

Secretary - MJ Loiacono

Schedule Board meetings and maintain meeting minutes.  Hold organization documents.

Treasurer - Deanna Cacciatore

Manage accounting, budget and annual tax filing.


Board Advisory Roles

Coach - Christopher seslar

Community Advisors - Robyn Etzler & Josephine grayson

community members/alumni with experience in the sport of rowing to support the elected board and coach.

Chair Positions

Tailgate - Claire Theodore

Social media - adam roberts 

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