important dates & district news | |
Click on the calendar to see full PTO calendar. | |
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- 4/5: 4/5th grade students that have selected to return to campus for 4th quarter start school
- 4/5: 7th/8th Graders add 3rd in-person day/week (T/Th/F)
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PVSD Travel guidelines
PVSD follows the guidance of San Mateo County Health Department and the California Department of Public Health in making travel recommendations. The state and county continue to advise against any non-essential travel (non-essential travel includes travel that is considered tourism or recreational in nature) outside the Bay Area or 120 miles from your home, as travel is still considered a risky activity. PVSD requests families to heed this advice. However, should you choose to travel, please read the information at the county’s travel page and plan to quarantine for 10 days after travel if you engaged in higher risk activities. High risk activities include being among people you don’t live with without a mask, not practicing social distancing, or traveling outside of California. In other words, California travel in-and-of-itself is not an automatic recommendation for quarantine.
Beyond recommending against any non-essential travel, PVSD requests that families avoid public transportation (e.g. plane, train, etc.) even with a mask. If you choose to use public transportation, we still feel quarantine is the safest response.
Now that we are in Orange, we can be a bit less restrictive, but as you consider your travel and quarantine decisions please remember that an uptick in cases both at school and throughout the community could close schools and quickly push the county back into a more restrictive tier. All our choices matter, and we need to stay safe together!
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Superintendent Question/Feedback Form
Do you have a question for the Superintendent or feedback you'd like to share? Click on this link:
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Make your Amazon purchases through Amazon Smile and you could help send up to $10K more to our schools!
Go to and select "Portola Valley Parent Teacher Organization" as your designated organization.
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Seeking Common Ground Member School Representative
Hello Parents! Would you like to be a Common Ground Member School Representative for the next academic year? PVSD’s membership to the Common Ground Speaker Series is generously paid for by our PTO and a great resource for parent education. The time commitment of a Common Ground School Representative is only ~2 hours per month b/c of Covid, which includes a monthly General Meeting & sharing a weekly Common Ground Newsletter details with our PTO Newsletter.
For more details about the role & for future responsibilities w/o Covid, please see Member School Information and Job Description. Please contact Teri Wolf ( or Anne Fazioli-Khiari ( if you have any interest & thanks for considering!
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Common Ground Panel Discussion
Supporting Learning Differences While Distance Learning
Presented in Partnership with Children's Health Council
Thurs Apr 29, 7:00pm-8:15pm PT
With school at home, parents have a window into our children’s learning and behavior that we have not had before. As parents we may have observed some behaviors that make us pause or cause concern. As we know, each of our brains is wired a little differently, and we are all different from one another. Even so, how do we know what is cause for concern and what is not?
As a parent or an educator, how can we embrace our students’ differences – including strengths and challenges and provide them the support they need to thrive and be successful – even in our current circumstances? In this conversation with Children's Health Council (CHC) experts, Chris Harris MEd, Chief Education Officer at CHC and Kendra Fraka, MSW, Social Emotional Learning Specialist at Sand Hill School, we’ll talk about best practices for our students who think and learn differently – focusing on mental health and wellness (especially right now), promoting executive function skills during remote learning and social emotional learning strategies. Moderated by Deborah Reber, author of Differently Wired: Raising an Exceptional Child in a Conventional World.
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On Campus Learners M, T, TH, F
8:15am: Arrival
11:30am: Dismissal
Virtual Learners M, T, TH, F
9:00-9:20am: Join class virtually for specialist time
9:20-11:20am: Asynchronous learning
12:00-1:00pm: Meet with teacher for synchronous instruction
Wednesdays - All TK/Kinder
8:20-9:20am: Children meet virtually for whole group instruction
9:40-11:00 a.m. Teachers will meet with small groups. Teachers will share small group schedules with parents.
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Deadline April 12, 2021
Art to Remember has all the students art work uploaded and is ready for you to check it out!
You can also upload any art work you have at home to your child’s profile.
There’s still time to order your child’s masterpiece keepsake. Check out the 100’s of items to choose from that make the perfect gift to any family member. Mothers and Father’s Day is around the corner.
Let’s get those orders in!!!!
Questions about orders contact
Brittany Zilka
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schedule outline for week of 4/5 and 4/12
Monday, 4/5: 4/5/6 on campus. 7/8 stay home for DL.
Tuesday, 4/6: 4/5/6/7/8 on campus
Wednesday, 4/7: No change. All students stay at home for morning session/ office hours.
Thursday, 4/8: 4/5/6/7/8 on campus
Friday, 4/9: 4/5/7/8 on campus. 6th stay home for DL
Week of 4/12: Same schedule as above
We will re-evaluate adding in additional days at the middle school level at the next Board Meeting- April 15th.
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business partner SPOTLIGHT
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Alpine Optometry
Your child’s teacher says he needs glasses. For testing and fitting, contact Alpine Optometry.
Visit Alpine Optometry
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Join the Yes on S team today!
The YES on S campaign is in full swing and PV Parents must be the backbone of this effort.
We need YOU to phonebank (from the comfort of your own home)! All phone bankers will be given an orientation and phone banking script with FAQ's prior to each phone banking session. No prior experience or expertise necessary!
Sign up here: Sign Up Genius for Phone Banking
Mark your calendars! Ballots should arrive by APRIL 5. We need all PV Parents to return their ballots no later than APRIL 12.
Can't wait to see you online!
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All community news is posted on the pto website
For details, click the orange Community News button below and scroll through the listings.
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