WHAT'S NEW IN DECEMBER- Congratulations on another great year of Landcare!!


Congratulations on another great year in Landcare across Bass Coast!

Thanks to all of you, our Members, Partners and Friends, 2017 has been another great year of achievements in Landcare across Bass Coast. Over 200,000 trees planted, over 3800 students participating in Landcare activities, lots of people learning and sharing ideas at field days, discussion groups and events, and the launch of our new River Garden site, just to name a few. Congratulations and well done to all!

We would like to thank the outgoing Board members of the Bass Coast Landcare Network for their valuable contributions in the past year and welcome in the new Board Members elected on November 11th who will be featured in an article below and on our website. 

The BCLN Office will be closed between Monday 25th of December and reopen again on Tuesday 2nd of January. We wish all of you a happy and safe Festive season and look forward to working with you and seeing you all again in 2018.


You can stay informed either at our website 


or on our facebook page at 


and if you haven't already, give us a like!



Click on the links for event information and booking details.

Walk the island by the light of the full moon this summer


After the success of the ‘walk the island’ series earlier this year Phillip Island Landcare Group has decided to organise three ‘Full moon walks’ this summer. These walks will take place on Phillip Island in the evenings where you’ll discover the Island by night.

To see the Phillip Island Landcare Group page click here


AGM Round up from across the Network

In the last few months our Network and all of our Landcare Groups have held their Annual General Meetings, here is a quick round up and photos of some of the events across Bass Coast. 


Bass Coast Landcare Network AGM with Guest speaker Rowan Reid

The Network AGM this year was held at Peter McDonnells. Guest speaker Rowan Reid gave us some great information on Agroforestry and everyone enjoyed the walk around Peter's Farm (pictured above). Big thanks to outgoing Chairman, Mike Cleeland for years of service and Don Creed, Treasurer for 5 years of service. Congratulations to our new Chairman Ric Oldham (see article below to find out more about the new Chair) and new Treasurer Roger Lee. Also a big thank you to our continuing board for another great year of Landcare in the Bass Coast.


Kongwak Hills look at Permaculture with Jarrod Ruch

Another successful year was celebrated by Kongwak Hills Landcare Group at our 2017 AGM (pictured above). This was held in November on a beautiful Gippsland evening at the Old Dalyston Deli. Our meeting was followed by a very relaxed meal and also an interesting and inspiring talk on permaculture by Jarrod Ruch. Thank you for the support of all who were able to attend, and also to our volunteer Landcarers throughout the year.

Click here to see the Kongwak Hills Landcare Group Page


3 Creeks Landcare AGM with Chris Alenson

3 Creeks Landcare Group AGM and end of year get together welcomed some new members onto the committee. The group listened to a very interesting and informative presentation from our guest speaker, Chris Alenson. We had a lovely time listening to the music of Nick and Julia, sharing a delicious meal and celebrating the end of a very successful planting. There are some big projects planned for 2018 so we are all looking forward to another enjoyable and productive year.

Click here to see the 3 Creeks Landcare Group Page

Welcome to Ric Oldham, new Chair of BCLN


Ric first established his Bass Coast farming roots in Archies Creek in 1978.   Ric is an active community member within the Bass Coast as a CFA volunteer, co-founder of the Bass Coast Cycle Challenge and co-organiser the Crush Ice drug and alcohol community information and support program.  He has been a member of the Bass Valley Landcare Group since its inception and held the role of president of the group for 3 years.  As joint owner and operator of an Angus beef farm at Archies Creek for the past twenty years Ric and his wife Mez (pictured above) look to sustainably optimise their agricultural enterprise whilst protecting and enhancing their natural environment.

Click here to read the full story and find out about our new Chair of BCLN

Phillip Island Landcare Group celebrates 30 years


The Phillip Island Landcare Group celebrated their 30 year anniversary in early December at an event staged at Bill Cleeland’s farm. Following the group’s Annual General Meeting the anniversary event kicked off with a farm walk lead by Mike Cleeland, which took in some of the many Landcare activities conducted on the property over the years.

The evening formalities included presentations from former presidents Anne Davie and Bill Cleeland who spoke of how important Landcare was to them.  Lisa Wangman and Mike Cleeland presented a thorough history of the Phillip Island Landcare Group and highlighted many of its amazing achievements.

Click here to see the full story including awards for life members

Healthy Soils and food make healthy people


Over 50 people joined in a community workshop in Inverloch focusing on the links between Healthy Soil, Nutritional Food and Healthy People on the 17th of November. High quality, nutrient dense food was big on the agenda with presentations from Marieke Rodenstein, a practising nutritionalist and dietitian, and Former CSIRO soil scientist and agronomist, Dr Maartin Stapper. Of course there was yummy healthy food for lunch at this day and discussions around not only  healthy food but producing it in a sustainable way. 

Over the next few months we will be featuring videos and information from this event on facebook, our enews and our website. Stay tuned!

The River Garden - A great response to the Official Community Launch Day


A great turn out of over 60 people officially launched the River Garden, a community garden, trials, innovation and education precinct on the banks of the Bass River on Saturday 9th of December. A welcome and introduction by Education officer Peter Baird outlined the future vision for the space and how the community can get involved in this exciting new project. After a tour of the site, expert Horticulturalist Jarrod Ruch showed participants how to construct a no dig garden, on contour swale systems for efficient movement of water and how to espalier fruit trees in a very informative session.

Participants also had the chance to put forward their ideas on what they would like to see happen and be involved in at the River Garden. We look forward to working with all of you to make these ideas a reality!

To see more photos of the day and details for registering your interest in being a part of the River Garden Click here


The success story of Australian Agriculture


To tell the impressive story that is Australian agriculture, the National Farmers' Federation's (NFF) has released its updated Food, Fibre & Forestry Facts publication. Just in time for National Agriculture Day on Tuesday 21 November.

The NFF's most popular resource is the authoritative ready reckoner to the latest facts and stats you need to know about Australian Agriculture.

Click here to view this publication.

BCLN Website Resources - Sustainable Living


Our website has a range of resources, from fact sheets to case studies to videos and documents. Each month we try to feature something different that you may not have found yet. As this month is traditionally one of 'excess' leading up to Christmas, we thought it was timely to have a look at our Sustainable Living page.

Click on this link to take  you to our Sustainable living page where you can download your own free copy of the 'Household Information Kit' to help you reduce your impacts this season. 


New Sustainable Farm Program Pilot for Secondary Students


AGL Loy Yang announced a $25,000 partnership with Bass Coast Landcare Network at the end of October to deliver the deliver the 'Managing Sustainable Farms Using STEM' pilot program. BCLN Training and Education staff have designed this new program to introduce students in years seven to ten to sustainable land management and the ways that science, technology, engineering and maths are used to run a profitable farming enterprise.
On Tuesday 31st of October, year 7 students from St Paul’s Anglican Grammar School and year 8 students from Kurnai College Churchill traveled to Peter Devonshire’s  Budgeree farm to take part in the launch of the program and learn more about sustainable farming.

Click on this link to see the full story and check out the media coverage of the day on 9 News.

Farewell and Thanks to the Green Army


A few weeks ago we celebrated the hard work of the Green Army who  wrapped up their time with BCLN, and met or exceeded all the project targets. These included propagating over 2000 plants, planting over 28,000 seedlings, creating access tracks at the River Garden, 4km of fencing at the Holden proving Ground, and pest animal surveys. Many thanks to Sky McPherson who was great to work with, and of course all the hard work by Jay, Anna (now employed by BCLN on the Works Crew), Faith, Michaela, Brian, Jackson, and Jack (now working for a Melbourne consulting firm). Our thanks go out to the team and we wish them all the best for the future. 

The Green Army Team (center in yellow) pictured with the BCLN Works Crew (Left in Orange) and some of the Work for the Dole Team (Right). 

Bass Coast Arc – Public Fund making projects a reality - Donate today to make a difference


The Bass Coast Landcare Network Public Fund is a regional non-profit organisation focusing on conserving biodiversity in Bass Coast. We need your donations to help fund small projects by local community groups working with the relevant Land Managers to improve public spaces and create community access.

Under the banner of “Bass Coast Arc – Community Access to Public Space” the Public Fund aims to support local community groups doing things like: Managing pest plants and animals, surveying vegetation, repairing and upgrading infrastructure, including public tracks and fences.

Be a part of this important work - Click here to donate today!


We say goodbye to Derek Snowden, Works Crew Team Leader


This month we have sadly said goodbye to Derek Snowden, our Works Crew Team Leader. Derek started with the BCLN Works Crew in 2010 as a trainee and soon after was seconded to work restoring the 220Ha around the Desalination plant. Returning to the Works Crew a couple of years later he finished his traineeship, and over the last two years he has been the Works Crew supervisor, developing a team to meet the uneven work flows. He has left to follow a firefighting career, initially with ParksVic and hopefully at the CFA in the future.

The Works Crew Team Leader position has been advertised and interviews will soon take place for Derek's replacement. Derek will be missed by both the Works crew and BCLN staff, we wish him well for the future and thank him for many years of hard work and commitment.

For more information on the BCLN Staff Team click here.

Tell us your stories....

We would love to hear from you and your groups with stories and photos of what's been happening in your area and suggestions of things that you would like to see in your E-news.

We hope you have a safe and happy Festive season with your families and friends and look forward to catching up with you in 2018!

From the Bass Coast Landcare Network. 


Want to know more?

We want to hear from you. Find us at www.basscoastlandcare.org.au or Email us at [email protected]
and we’ll be in touch!