News for May 2024

President's Message

Greetings Fellow Zontians and Friends!

How did we wind up in May already?  This year flew by so quickly!  Actually, the past four years seem to have flown by rather quickly!  I wanted to thank each member of the Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey for their continued support, service, and dedication to our club.  We had an amazing year (actually an amazing 4 years)!!

Why am I referencing the last 4 years?  I have been so humbly honored and privileged to have been the President of the Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey for the last four years.  My presidency began with COVID in May of 2020.  I remember thinking, how are we going to be able to continue to function as a club and advocate for woman and children while not being able to physically meet in person and physically partake in service and fundraising projects?  Having experience and using Zoom for a few years with my Mary Kay business prior to COVID, I naturally thought this would be a solution to get us “through” the shutdown of life.  While there was a learning curve at first for many folks with using Zoom, I can honestly say, we are all now pros now with the application!

Prior to my election as the president of the ZCHH, there were over 15 different committees. My goal was to streamline the committees down to about 5 committees with those committees having subcommittees.  Each member was asked to serve on at least one committee.  Each committee was asked to meet on a monthly basis via Zoom, report on committee updates at our monthly membership meetings, and submit an article to the monthly newsletter.  This proved to be quite effective as we seemed to embrace more projects as well as know what was going on in all areas of the club.

A huge undertaking was to create a 501(c)4 for our club allowing for advocacy.  This process was very timely and took about 2 years to complete.  Many meetings were held, calls made to the IRS, etc!  After achieving our 501(c)4, we then had to create bylaws, processes, and procedures including board members, banking, etc.  This project was a huge WIN-WIN and I can’t thank Deb, Sue, Alice and Jemry enough for their efforts in achieving this goal!

A few other awesome things during the past four years:  we updated the membership application and application process for new members; created a mentor program; created a membership portal on web page; posted on FB; added a donate button to FB; created bios of members; teamed up with like-minded organizations for projects; set up library displays in local libraries; collected needed items for Shalom House, PPH, Diaper Bank, Golden Z projects, etc; boxes of Sunshine; IFP luncheons; awarded scholarships; revamped our grant process to include one or two other non-profits along with our partner grant recipient; personally met with State Representatives and State Senators as well as their staff members to better align our club for advocating; social media campaigns in the spring and fall; organized and executed amazing rallies; participated in other rallies at the State Capitol; Zonta Says No billboards; educational advocacy training meeting; amazing speakers for our membership meetings; No Show Gala fundraiser; tote bag fundraiser; wreath sale fundraiser; Boscov’s Coupon fundraiser; Apple Festival fundraisers (although cancelled the year of COVID); BINGO fundraiser (so fun!); investing $5,000 in a CD; leg work and creation for the 501c4; appeal letter fundraiser; and so much more!!

We also changed our newsletter platform for a more dynamic newsletter.  Alice K. worked very diligently to get us to a higher/better platform beginning in the fall of 2023.  Hope you are enjoying the newsletters and the new website!

A procedure subcommittee was also created to define and update some older written and non-written “policies.”  This committee still has some work to do but has made some headway in defining one or two processes.

A Financial Planning subcommittee was created within the Finance Committee to explore the opportunity to invest excess funds, processes and policies for gifting.

At our May in-person meeting, we will enjoy celebrating the fruits of our labor of this past year.  We will award 2 grants to local non-profit organizations and hear from a recipient of the Amelia Earhart Fellowship (PSU student).  This celebration is only possible because of the dedication of each member, you!  Thank you!

Looking forward to seeing you all at our May in person meeting at the Giant Community Center in Camp Hill.  We will be inducting new board members, will have the scholarship winner in attendance with us, will be presenting grant funds to our 2023-2024 partners, and spending casual time catching up with one another. 

I am looking forward to seeing each of you at our Membership Meeting on May 9, 2024. Please RSVP to Deb Crum at [email protected] by May 6th. 

Again, thank you all for your support and dedication to our club in promoting the empowerment and rights of women throughout the world through service and advocacy.

Cheers, Amy

Membership Corner


We will be hosting a membership orientation for new members and their mentors on Saturday, June 8th starting at 9:00 am at the Capital Blue Cross Connect, 4500 Marketplace Way, Enola. All Zonta members are invited. Please RSVP to [email protected] if you plan to attend.

Congratulations to our present and past like-minded partners for receiving a grant from The Foundation for Enhancing Communities (TFEC) at their Annual Grantee Recognition Breakfast on Tuesday, April 30th. Some of the winners are Greenlight Operation, Healthy Steps Diaper Bank, Community Check Up Center of South Harrisburg, and Girls on the Run to mention a few.

I sent an e-mail of congratulations to the three graduating Golden Z-Club members - Jocelyn Black, Emma Weller and Madeline Sparks.

At our April Annual meeting, we approved a change to the night for our monthly membership meetings to the second Wednesday of the month.  This will begin with the June 2024 meeting and continue when we resume our meeting schedule in September 2024. The minutes for the Annual Meeting will be posted on the Members Only page on our website shortly. 

Please consider joining the Membership Committee. The duties include reviewing potential new member applications, planning membership events to recruit new members and discussing ways to sustain the club through membership. Interested, let me know.

Kathy Gates, Membership Committee Chair

Nominating Committee

We had a successful election of officers at the April meeting at PSU via paper ballot. Those elected for 2024-2026 are:

  • President:  Kathy Gates
  • Vice President: Heather Jackson
  • Treasurer: Deb Crum
  • Director: Claudia Barry, Maria Todaro
  • Nominating Committee: Diana Laughner, Amy Peffley, Karen Shirey

Continuing on the Board for 2024-2025: 

  • Secretary: Alice Kirchner
  • Director: Suzanne Gale

Congratulations to the newly elected Board; we thank you for sharing your time and talents! 

Kathy Gates, Nominating Committee Chair

Member Milestones

Zonta Anniversary

Debra Crum, May 31, 2006

May Birthday's

Stacey Clark, Claudia Barry

Service Opportunities

Greenlight Operation 5K - Saturday, May 4th

Join Greenlight Operation as a runner, walker, or sponsor for their annual 5K on City Island. The goal is to raise $40,000 to support the restorative care of trafficking survivors. Details available at:

Use these links if you would like to make a donation or be a sponsor.       



The Golden Z Club finished collecting donations for the clothing drive with an incredibly successful quantity. Club members will be dropping the donations off toThe YWCA of Greater Harrisburg in early May. They will store some of the winter clothing for next semester. 


Membership and Dues for 2024-2025

Club Members, our deadline for Club, District 3 and Zonta International dues submissions are right around the corner. In order to meet our dates, your annual dues renewal payment may be sent to Deb Crum (home address found in your membership listing) no later than May 9th.  You may also bring payment to the May meeting! Your timeliness is greatly appreciated.

Thank for your ongoing membership and all that you contribute to the mission of our Club, District 3 and Zonta International.

Renewing members of the Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey should pay $161.00 no later than May 9th, 2024.

Checks should be made payable to Zonta Club of Harrisburg and Hershey


Foundation Fundraising 2023-2024

Our Fundraising year concluded with a wonderful turnout for BINGO on April 13th and stellar earnings for the day! With the success of our season of Fundraising we now look forward to “Giving” the fruits of those efforts away at our May meeting.

A BIG THANK YOU to all of our members for their time, and talent in coordinating and participating in the various club fundraisers. Throughout the year members have sold wreaths and bingo tickets, parked cars and provided monetary donations. Members have also been very generous in contributing “In Kind” donations such as food & beverage, paper products, stamps, and garage space to name just a few.

ANOTHER THANK YOU to former members who pitched in with time, talent and treasure in support of our fundraising this past year. We truly appreciate your ongoing contributions and connection to the club!

ONE FINAL THANK YOU to the many friends, family, and co-workers who have supported Zonta and contributed throughout the year.  

Thank you all for helping to build a better world for women and girls!

Finance Committee

Advocacy Update


Pictured left-right are: Karen Shirey, Amy Peffley, Deb Crum, Kathy Gates and Nancy Fodor.

Members of the Advocacy Committee joined by Treasurer Deb Crum attended the Crime Victims’ Rights Rally & Summit at the Capitol on Monday, April 22.  Melany Nelson, Chair of the Crime Victims Alliance of Pennsylvania, opened the 11:00AM Rally with comments and a moment of silence.  Attendees heard stores from crime survivors, dignitaries and Father Paul Abernathy, Founder & CEO of Neighborhood Resilience Project in Pittsburgh.  Suzanne Estrella, Commonwealth Victim Advocate, began the 1:00PM Summit by focusing on the National Crime Victims’ Rights Week theme “Options, services and hope for crime survivors.  How Would YOU Help?” 

Senate Bill 45 Signed by the Governor. Senator Maria Collett, Zonta’s January speaker, was the Prime Sponsor of Senate Bill 45 (SB 45).  This Bill was approved by the Governor on April 15, 2024, and is now Act No. 7 of 2024. 

This bill amended the previous National Human Trafficking Resource Center Hotline Notification Act. The new law requires, as long as funds are available, that the Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency develops a plan for a coordinated response system against human trafficking reports sent by the hotline.

The new law also requires the plan to include support groups to provide safe conditions for sleeping, food, personal hygiene, psychological counseling, medical assistance, substance abuse counseling, childcare, access to employment, legal assistance and social case management.

This link will help you research the legislation for the PA House of Representatives and Senate.

Through our multiple advocacy efforts and participation in rallies against trafficking and involvement at statewide efforts to advocate for women and children, our Club has made huge strides over the past several years in reaching out to nonprofits which share our mission as well as developing an awareness with legislators and PA governmental agencies which recognize Zonta and its mission.  We are making a difference in PA in terms of influencing legislation and awareness of improving the quality of life for women and children in PA.

Attention Club Members:  Please contact Amy Peffley or Kathy Gates if you would like to become a member of the Advocacy Committee for the upcoming Zonta year beginning on June 1, 2024. 

 ​​Advocacy Committee

 Awards, Elections, New Members and Congratulations at the April Annual Meeting

Clockwise from top left

  • Golden Z Club members Gowri Potti, Katie Lowe and Jocelyn Black with their advisor and Zontian, Heather Jackson;
  • Amy Peffley congratulating newly installed members Margaret Duncan, Maggie Fitter and Renee Lariff;
  • Young Woman In Public Affairs Award winner Gowri Potti with Amy Peffley and Alice Kirchner;
  • Board members for the upcoming biennium - Alice Kirchner, Heather Jackson, Deb Crum, Kathy Gates, Maria Todaro, Claudia Barry (missing, Suzanne Gale).

The SOS signal is performed by holding your hand up with your thumb tucked into your
palm, then folding your fingers down, symbolically trapping your thumb in your fingers. It was intentionally designed as a single continuous hand movement, rather than a sign held in one position, that could be easily visible.

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