End of Spring/Summer 2024

"Wherever you are

is the entry point."


Here we are, rounding the corner of spring and welcoming the fruits of summer! Popping in to share a few updates and offer up a free yoga nidra recording, aromatherapy spritzers for sale, and a simple recipe to keep your hydration up in the warmer months.

I spent most of this season nursing a broken ankle and learning necessary lessons for greater alignment. So grateful to now be walking and moving into the next cycle. Yongey Mingur Rinpoche's book, In Love with the World was a gem in the journey so I thought I'd pass it along for anyone moving through a big change or just looking for an inspiring adventure tale packed with practical wisdom. He writes, "liberation comes from recognizing the dream as a dream. We are all of us together dreaming ourselves into being. Becoming and becoming. Always becoming." ​

Wishing you all a joyous summer. 

🌞 Camina 



THIS WEEK ONLY! Relaxing Spritzers for Sale

The last few spritzers are up for grabs this week only before I head out of town for a bit. Please place your order by Friday to receive this yummy floral, relaxing yet refreshing blend of Lavender, Rose Geranium, Yang Yang essential oils in pure Rose Water. Pairs well with this free 20-Minute Yoga Nidra Recording for a soothing reset, anytime of day. 🌸


  • Virtual 1:1 and group Yoga and Meditation Classes: ​30-minutes, 1-hour, 75-minutes 
  • Virtual Ayurvedic Health Consultations: 1.5-hour Initial Consultations, 30-minute and 1-hour follow-up Health Coaching Consultations, Seasonal Cleanses (spring and fall)  
  • Schedule a virtual session
  • $10 off on John Douillard's LifeSpa Products, coupon code: Camina 


Ayurvedic Gatorade 

This pitta-pacifying electrolyte drink is great for a hot day to cool down the mind and body. The pitta dosha can easily become aggravated in the summer so it's important to incorporate calming and cooling foods, drinks, and practices to avoid agitation and other inflammatory symptoms. The mineral salt in this beverage helps replenish electrolytes lost through our sweat and the bitter aloe supports the liver and skin. Lime, cucumber, and mint add an extra cooling effect so you can minimize iced drinks that dampen the digestive fire. Enjoy and stay C😎😎L!!


  • 1 squeezed lime
  • 1/2 cup of aloe vera juice (recommend Lily of the Valley Inner Fillet) 
  • 32 oz. of water 
  • Pinch of high mineral salt
  • Optional: cucumber and fresh mint



'harmonize with nature, walk a path of balance'