Newsletter #061

Fresh from the Drumgeon

The latest builds


Skinny Tom Compact Nesting Kit #26

It is just SO FUN playing around with all the Compact Nesting possibilities! This time, we’re starting with a 16” deep 22” bass and making a 5-piece.  Instead of the CS-Standard 4½” deep snare, this project gets a 5½” deep snare. For that to happen, the math says something somewhere else has to get a little shorter, so the floor tom is 9” deep. Since it’s a little shallower than the 10” standard, the concept propagates as the two mounted toms are a couple of inches shorter than standard. Oh, and to spell out just a little more crack, the snare's a 13”. FUN! 6x10, 7x13, 9x16, 16x22, 5½x13; plied maple; satin wax.

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Swoosh CS w/15" Floor

What happens if you want a standard-sized floor tom instead of nesting your snare in a TreeHouse Compact Nesting Kit? Here's what it could look like in Swoosh Blue. 8x12, 15x15, 16x20; plied maple; satin wax.


Dyed Busker

Big-sounding drums aren't always actually big in size.  Besides, it's just super fun playing a 10" on a 16" bass with a 13" floor & snare.  This kit is like the Rainbow Oyster Busker​ kits but with a bigger snare and smaller price for being dyed instead of wrapped. 6x10, 13x13, 12x16, 5x13; plied maple; satin wax.

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Little Gold Rock

Country, Rock, Pop:  this versatile little kit sets up fast, looks-n-sounds great, and covers it all! 8x12, 14x14, 15x18; plied maple; gold sparkle wrap.


Purple Power! Snare Drum

Time for PURPLE!  This drum just screams with black hardware, diecast rims, tube lugs, and Trick strainer all hanging out on a plied maple shell with re-rings. 5½x14; plied maple; satin wax.


"Gong" Drum

Get Yer BOOM On! Here's our first wood-hoop Gong Bass, made just the way the customer wanted. Whaddya think? 14x20; plied maple; satin wax.


Black Concert Toms

Couple of Concert Toms to go with your Rogers kit? 7x8, 8x10; plied maple; satin wax. 


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