“How do I find caregivers? I’m having a hard time keeping care staff.”
We wish there were an easy answer to this question, but unfortunately, this is a very complex situation with no easy solution.
We all know recruiting and retaining quality staff is an ongoing issue in all long-term care facilities, and adult foster home providers are acutely aware of this challenge. Adult foster care home providers simply have unique challenges that other larger, long-term care settings don’t face with staff recruitment and retention.
Studies show direct caregivers are vital to the quality care of residents in your home, so how do you recruit and retain these caregivers? It’s first important to always recognize what is outside of your control, and recognize what is within your control.
What is outside of your control? The caregiver shortage and staffing crisis and economy. This is not something you, or any of us, can control or change, right now. Don't stress over what is outside of your control.
What is within your control? Your own approach, benefits (financial and otherwise), your recruitment plan, your management style and the environment and business culture you create in your adult care home. Take action about things within your control.
Let’s look at four tips to recruitment and retention:
Tip #1: Have a plan
It’s vital to plan ahead and recognize it isn’t easy to find staff, right now. Sometimes people bring friends and family to work with them. This is a good start; however, you may be in a situation down the road where you’ll need to hire additional staff. What is your recruitment plan?
Tip #2: Know what works, and what doesn’t
What has worked for you in the past? What has worked for others? Keep track of the information so you can have a better idea of what approaches and avenues work (e.g. Craigslist, Indeed, etc.).
Tip #3: Be the manager for whom you’d like to work and make your care home a place caregivers want to work
It is important, as managers and business owners, to reflect on your management (and leadership style), and your business culture.
Tip #4: How do you create a place where caregivers want to work and are willing to stay because they appreciate your management style and AFH business culture? How do you communicate this in your recruitment processes?