December 2019 - #7

News Flash

This month we wait and welcome advent with joyful hope.
Waiting for the day we honour the birth of Jesus. Waiting to celebrate with loved ones. Waiting with thankful hearts. Waiting to loosen our belts post Christmas lunch!


The First Touch

Have you ever experienced the moment when a new baby grabs your finger? This touch is loaded with surprise, connection, and pure joy. It has the power to melt the toughest of hearts.
I wonder, how it was for the Jesus' family and how does it relate to us today?

​>> Read on & view the artwork... ​​


Christmas Cards 

If you are on the look out for some fresh Australasian Christmas cards then you're in luck. We have a small amount of cards left in stock. I will ship orders up to the 16th Dec. Get in quick before they are gone.

​​>> View & order here...

Sarah McLachlan

Joy Story

This delightful video recently reminded me how I can choose to be, and how to interact. I highly recommend taking 4 minutes to watch and contemplate. You might just see our God alive in all creation, we are family. A gentle reminder how to connect this advent and beyond.

>> Watch, relax, laugh, cry, smile...

Sarah McLachlan

C'mon it is Christmas

Seeing that it's Christmas it would be wrong not to include a Christmas track. I hope you this beautiful rendition of Joy to the World transitions you into the spirit of Christmas. Close your eyes, feel the melody.

>> Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy...

Food For Thought

“A waiting person is a patient person.
​​The word patience means the willingness to stay where we are and live the situation out to the full in the belief that something hidden there will manifest itself to us.”
 ~ Henri J.M. Nouwen

News Flash​ is a monthly email with artwork, spirituality & inspirational things. AMDG. You have been signed up as a gesture of kindness & inclusion. ​Feel free to unsubscribe or let me know what you would like to see in the future.

Seeing that it's holiday time, I will take a wee break over January. The next email will go out around the 1st February. Travel safe these holidays, please take your time. 
Much prayer, joy and gratitude for the gift you all are. Jane Maisey rsj