Personal Growth Reminder

Small Steps -> Transformation

Major shifts and transformations don’t happen overnight. They are a result of consistent actions that don’t feel groundbreaking in the moment, but when repeated over time, change your life.

This is why the small things we do daily - matter. They add up.

They only seem small and insignificant in the moment, but over time, it’s that small, consistent action that creates a shift, not something that’s done once in a while. Once you start paying attention to daily thoughts and actions that create your experiences, you can practice being more deliberate about them. You may choose not to engage with every thought that comes your way, you may ask yourself why you do what you do, and you may pay attention how you feel most of the time and what lead up to that feeling. Keep in mind that even if you don't see the big result yet, your effort counts.


Self-Care Invitation

Let it Come to You

Sometimes we try really hard to make things happen. We push, we force, we pressure, we power through. And sometimes, that is exactly what is needed. But at other times, you have to let it come to you. Let it happen with ease. Instead of pressuring yourself to make something happen, let your next challenge or answer reveal itself to you. Notice what excites you, what you're curious about, and interested in. Think of the decisions that felt easy to make, or challenges that were meaningful - what made them so? How did you know that was the right thing to do? What guided you in making decisions that turned out great?


Advice You Didn't Ask For

Give Yourself a Choice

Ask yourself more often if you want to rather than if you should.

Many obligations are self-imposed by our own *shoulds* that are guided by fears, other people's wants, or societal expectations. If you weren’t worried about pleasing others and doing things because you believe you should, what would you stop doing? What would you start doing? How would things change if you gave yourself a choice and asked yourself more often: What do I want?


What Inspired Me

Learn. Grow. Flourish.

Last month I attended the annual Women's Summit, sponsored by Kendra Scott Women's Entrepreneurial and Leadership Institute. As a 2023 FoundHer, I had an opportunity to share about Inner Becoming and meet a lot of incredible, ambitious women who are truly leading by example. The day was filled with inspiring and motivational speeches! Here are the biggest nuggets of wisdom I took from it:

Someone’s greatness doesn’t take away from yours.

When you don’t have anyone to look up to, look inwards.

Think big! And if you’re not at least a little bit scared, you’re not thinking big.

Always believe something wonderful is about to happen (my favorite!!).

Don’t take yourself seriously.

Every “No” is the beginning of an opportunity.​

Always be curious and keep learning.

P.S. I met powerhouse Kendra Scott and gifted her my Returning to Yourself guided journal? Yup, that happened! 


New Offer!

Single session coaching

As-needed single sessions are available! This is for you if you want to work through an issue, obstacles, or a stuck point when you need it, without committing to future coaching. It can help you gain a different perspective, challenge your viewpoint, or identify the cause of your stuckness. 

Personal growth coaching is a direct, present, and future oriented process that helps you gain awareness of how your beliefs create your experience, and it supports shifting the beliefs that are holding you back. Whether you want to set specific goals, change what no longer works, or want a perspective shift, go to the coaching page, scroll down, and fill out a form to get started!


What I'm Listening & Reading

Parallel Universes of Self - Frederick E. Dodson (If you're into law of attraction and have a touch of woo woo in you like myself, you will love it)

Mastery - Robert Greene (If you want to learn how to be great at something, this is a must read/or listen)

Quote I'm Reflecting On

“It doesn’t matter if the steps you’re taking are small or large it matters if you’re having fun.” Abraham Hicks

Question I'm Considering

“What decision will make me more of who I am?”