Something for everyone!

Join us for one or all of the many events coming up over the next couple of months. From the latest in new technology for monitoring, to farm visits, healthy soils, inspiring speakers and walks there is something for everyone! We look forward to catching up with you.

You can stay informed either at our website 


or on our facebook page at 


and if you haven't already, give us a like!



Click on the links for event information and booking details.

Diversification and Innovation Farm Visit


Welcome to The House on the Hill Olive Grove, a property owned and managed by Justin and Melanie McCulloch.  Situated on the picturesque Anderson/San Remo Peninsula, the property has over 1000 olive trees and produces locally grown olives and award-winning Olive Oil.  You are invited to join us for a tour of the property on Friday 27th October 2017 and hear Justin and Melanie’s story of sea change and their journey to become Olive Oil award winners. 

Click here for flyer and booking details

I Spy using my little drone…. Field day on new Tech for monitoring


Want to know how to use new tech including drones and infra-red cameras to spy on your wildlife and landscapes? Come along to a field day on 28th October where we will explore different techniques and technologies available to undertake wildlife and flora monitoring and where you can learn how to use them on your property. Read on for details of guest speakers and flyer with booking information. 

Click here for flyer and booking details

Inspiring speaker, farm walk and wood fired pizzas anyone?


It’s that time of year again, you know the one, when you hear an inspiring speaker, have a free lunch and go on a great farm walk? Yes you guessed it, it’s the annual BCLN AGM on Saturday 11 November at 11:00 am! This year Agroforestry guru Rowan Reid will be our guest speaker and the day will be held at Peter McDonnells Property.

For the full story click here

Healthy Soils, Healthy Food, Healthy People Workshop


Join us for a free workshop focusing on the links between Healthy Soil, Nutritional Food and Healthy People on November 17th at the Inverloch Community Hub. There will be presentations focusing on the importance of producing and eating high quality food, sustainably produced with minuimum impact on the environment. Hear from practising nutritionalist and dietitian, Marieke Rodenstein and former CSIRO soil scientist and agronomist, Dr Maartin Stapper. A panel discussion will also include local food and soil experts exploring local experiences in soil health, healthy food and personal health.

For more information and to book your place click here

Walk the island by the light of the full moon this summer


After the success of the ‘walk the island’ series earlier this year Phillip Island Landcare Group has decided to organise three ‘Full moon walks’ this summer. These walks will take place on Phillip Island in the evenings where you’ll discover the Island by night. More Details on these days starting in December in our next E-News.

30th Birthday Celebrations for Phillip Island Landcare Group


Save the Date! Phillip Island Landcare Group will be recognising their 30th year with a celebration on Saturday 2nd December 2017. The day will include a Farm walk, historical displays, recognition of past and present personnel, the PILG 2017 AGM, BBQ and music. Keep the date free, more details to come.

Click here to see more about the Phillip Island Landcare Group


Planting days round up


Holden Staff Planting day at Triggs Farm October 6th

Big thanks to Holden staff for planting 1500 trees at Triggs farm. A great day had by all.


South Coast taxi’s – Offset Planting at the Shearing Shed October 4th

A big thank you to South Coast Taxis for planting over 1000 trees today to offset their taxi fleet. Thank you to the Shearing Shed for putting on a fantastic lunch. Good to see local business partnering with Bass Coast Landcare Network to achieve great outcomes.

Want to offset your business fleet? Or involve your staff in a planting day? We can help you.

Contact Bass Coast Landcare Network on [email protected] to inquire today!

Weed ‘em and Reap


Weeds, Weeds, Weeds!   Spring is here – and so are those weeds. From 16 October to 20 November 2017 join Bass Coast Shire Council’s Weed ‘em and Reap program and help dispose of those weeds and collect free indigenous plants for your efforts.  You can collect an application form from any Council Visitor Information Centre along with your copy of the ‘Common Weeds of Gippsland” brochure. Simply list the number of weeds you have removed from your garden on the application form and return the form to them by the 27 November 2017. You will be sent a voucher telling you how many indigenous plants you will receive and the nursery to collect them from. Weeds can be disposed of in your Organics bin (green lid) or during the Green Waste Amnesty dates from 3 November to 19 December 2017, free of charge at your nearest Transfer station. So, you too can become part of the solution, weeding one garden at a time.

For more information on this Bass Coast Shire Council Program click here

Fox Free Phillip Island - Saving Eastern Barred Bandicoots


In September Phillip Island Nature parks celebrated a historic milestone. After many years of a comprehensive control program, Phillip Island is now fox-free, paving the way for a release of the critically endangered Eastern Barred Bandicoot. Community information sessions were held over the past month, explaining the planned release of the EBB’s onto the Summerland Peninsula in late October this year after the successful release in 2015 onto Churchill Island. The EBBs on Churchill Island increased from 20 to about 120 in two years before the population stopped growing and stabilised around this number. The Churchill Island trial has demonstrated that EBBs can successfully establish in island environments and have positive impacts such as reduced soil compaction, and improved nutrient and water infiltration, with no observed negative effects. 

Learn more about the program by clicking here

Nursery Group Celebrates their first Birthday


If you have been in Bass on alternate Wednesdays and Fridays you may have seen a bit of activity at the Bass Coast Landcare Network Nursery. The Igloos and sheds are the base for the Nursery group who recently celebrated their first birthday with a lunch at the Kilcunda Café. This dedicated team of volunteers plant seed, prick out and pot on seedlings, weed seedling pots, fertilize plants and chatter over a nice morning teas. If you would like to be a part of this group and learn how to grow native plants please contact Rob Gray our Ecosystem Services Coordinator on [email protected] to register your interest and find out the next session dates.

Cowes Primary Planting out the Sanctuary


Cowes Primary School students in all grade levels have been busy planting indigenous plants into their school Sanctuary this September. This patch of remnant bush in the middle of suburban Cowes on Phillip Island is right next to the school grounds and such a great resource for learning in many subjects. It’s so great to see the teachers embracing this valuable resource right on their doorstep and getting their students involved in its ongoing maintenance by removing weeds and replacing them with indigenous plants of the area. Instigators of this activity are Sanctuary neighbors David and Bhavani Rooks (members of the Phillip Island Landcare Group Committee) who have held many working bee days and worked tirelessly to improve pathways and remove larger woody weeds so the students can easily use this area. Well done to all involved!!

Click here to check out our other school education activities on our website


Applications for the 2018 AgriFuturesTM Victorian Rural Women's Award now open!


The Award provides a platform to inspire and support Australian women to use and develop their skills to benefit their industries and communities. $10,000 bursaries are available in each state and territory to support emerging women leaders to implement their Award vision. Applications close close on Sunday, 29 October 2017 at 9pm. For more information on the Victorian Rural Women's Award go to http://agriculture.vic.gov.au/agriculture/food-and-fibre-industries/rural-womens-award or contact Johanna Christensen: [email protected] or 03 83927117

Grazfert workshops a great success

Video resources available


Bass Coast Landcare Network held its second Grazfert workshop in early September which proved to be highly successful. Participating landowners went home with a nutrient management plan which will enable them to make more informed decisions around their future fertilizer applications and other input requirements. The landowners involved in the program all appreciated the opportunity to network with industry experts and their peers. Thanks to Melbourne Water and the West Gippsland Catchment Management Authority for supporting this Grazfert program. Thanks also to Agriculture Victoria staff Nick Dudley, Neville Fernando, Fiona Baker and John Bowman.

Click here to take you to five short videos from speakers and participants at this day

BCLN Website Resources

Go on a Virtual Tour of the Powlett


Did you know there’s a range of resources you can access on our website? From fact sheets to case studies and videos from various landholders, members share their experiences on how they have successfully tackled land management issues on their own properties. 

Each month we look at something different, why not tour the Powlett via video by clicking here or on the picture above.​​


Community Grants success for three projects across Bass Coast


The Victorian Government recently announced successful applications for the Community and Volunteer Action Grants for 110 community projects to protect threatened plants and animals. In Bass Coast we have three lucky groups that received funding for their projects.

  • Creating new and enhancing old habitats and wildlife corridors to promote biodiversity on French Island. French Island Landcare Group $46,439.40
  • Protecting the Powlett creating habitat for threatened species. Powlett Project $49,650.00
  • Corridor and Biodiversity Enhancement on Phillip Island.Phillip Island Landcare Group $49,900.00

These grants support on ground activities including planting and monitoring to help protect, improve and expand habitats for native plants and animals, congratulations to these groups!

For more about the French Island Landcare Group activities click here

For more about the Powlett Project activities click here

For more about the Phillip Island Landcare Group activities click here

Work continues at the River Garden


Over the last few months work has continued to get some basic infrastructure established at the River Garden site adjacent to the Bass Coast Landcare Network Office. We are applying for funding to hold a series of field days on site and start construction of our trials area. We can’t wait to get you all involved in the final planning of the site and setting this up as a great community space where we can trial alternative crops, soil amendments, biochar and more. Watch this space for announcements of community days and how you can get involved.

To keep up to date with developments, see the River Garden section in the Sustainable Agriculture Page on our website by clicking here

Bass Coast Arc – Public Fund making projects a reality - Donate today to make a difference


The Bass Coast Landcare Network Public Fund is a regional non-profit organisation focusing on conserving biodiversity in Bass Coast. We need your donations to help fund small projects by local community groups working with the relevant Land Managers to improve public spaces and create community access.

Under the banner of “Bass Coast Arc – Community Access to Public Space” the Public Fund aims to support local community groups doing things like: Managing pest plants and animals, surveying vegetation, repairing and upgrading infrastructure, including public tracks and fences.

Be a part of this important work - Click here to donate today!


Each month we feature a Bass Coast Landcare Network Staff member so you can put a face to the name and learn about us and what we do. 

Cheryl Marchant


With over 25 years experience in bookkeeping services, Cheryl brings a wealth of knowledge along with a keen eye for detail.  She has been involved in the Network’s bookkeeping for over 9 years and her role also covers payroll, as well as bookkeeping for four other Landcare groups. 

Click here for more information on our staff or to get into contact with any of our team. 

Tell us your stories....

We would love to hear from you and your groups with stories and photos of what's been happening in your area and suggestions of things that you would like to see in your E-news!

Hope to catch up with you at some of our events,

Until next month,

From the Bass Coast Landcare Network. 


Want to know more?

We want to hear from you. Find us at www.basscoastlandcare.org.au or Email us at [email protected]
and we’ll be in touch!