Depression and Bipolar ​Support Alliance
​National Capital Area Chapter

Weekly Update

August 15, 2021

Hello and welcome to the weekly email! If you have a suggestion or news item to share please send to by 5:00 pm on Friday.

Be sure to check out the chapter website at

DBSA NCA Peer Support Meetings

Viewing safety as an overriding priority, the chapter has decided to temporarily suspend the resumed in-person group meetings while we evaluate the implications of the recent spike in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta variant.

This week the chapter will offer Zoom peer support groups as shown below. Please note that peer groups are for people living with depression and bipolar disorder. The Friends and Family group is for friends and family members of those living with depression or bipolar disorder (or other mental illnesses) to share the challenges of that relationship.

The group locations indicated below for virtual groups denote where these groups have met previously, and will probably return; however some groups will remain virtual indefinitely. Peers may opt to participate in any of the peer groups. The Zoom connection links for groups have changed for 2021. To join peer groups you use the same link to access any meeting at its scheduled time. The Friends and Family group (first and third Wednesday evenings) has a different link for its meetings. If the provided link is used online, a password should be unnecessary. Please let us know of any difficulties via email.

Sunday Evening Zoom Peer Support Group Meeting
Time: Sunday, August 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM Eastern Time

Beltsville Zoom Peer Support Group Meeting
No meeting this week

LGBTQIA+ Zoom Peer Support Group Meeting
Tuesday August 17 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time

Women’s Zoom Peer Support Group Meeting
No meeting this week

Mid-Day Zoom Peer Support Group Meeting
Time: Wednesday, August 18 at 12:00 Noon Eastern Time

Montgomery County Zoom Peer Support Group Meeting
No meeting this week

Southern PG Peer Support Group Meeting (In Person)
No meeting this week.
Location: Oxon Hill United Methodist Church - 6400 Livingston Road, Oxon Hill, MD 20745

Thursday DC Peer Support Group Meeting (In Person)
Time: No meeting this week.
Location: Foundry United Methodist Church, Room B2 - 1500 16th Street, NW, Washington DC 20036

Thursday Zoom Peer Support Group Meeting
Time: Thursday, August 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM Eastern Time (gather from 6:45) 

Sunday Evening Zoom Peer Support Group Meeting
Time: Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 6:00 PM Eastern Time

See our Support Groups page for up-to-date information on in person and virtual groups.

Invite link for all ZOOM PEER groups:

Meeting ID 662 587 4960 Passcode: dbsanca

One tap mobile +13017158592,,6625874960#,,,,,,0#,,3858633#

Dial in 301-715-8592 Meeting ID: 662-587-4960 Passcode: 3858633​

DBSA NCA Family and Friends Meeting

Family & Friends Meeting
Wednesday August 18 at 7:30 PM

Invite link for the FAMILY & FRIENDS group:

Meeting ID: 822 9854 4216 Passcode: dbsanca

One tap mobile +13017158592,,82298544216#,,,,*6740529#

Dial in 301-715-8592 Meeting ID: 822 9854 4216 Passcode: 6740529

Call for Web Volunteers

The Web Team is currently seeking administrative volunteers to help with putting out weekly newsletters and maintenance on the website. If you would like to help, please reach out to Your assistance is most welcome and appreciated.

"Re-Start" Survey

The “Re-Start” Survey is now available here directly and on the DBSA NCA homepage. Please help us in understanding what kind of meetings are preferred going forward. This survey has been extended into September 2021.

DBSA Chapter Outreach Project Update

The task Group working on the development of a community outreach campaign, with a particular focus on communities of color, has been continuing its work. After a recent meeting with the Director of Community and Family Affairs at the DC Department of Behavioral Health the task group is moving forward on two fronts. First is to conduct a community needs assessment process with local community leaders and second is to explore the development of a cultural awareness/sensitivity program for chapter leaders that could be a prototype for other DBSA Chapters throughout the country. The task group is also planning a meeting with the DBSA National Office staff to explore ways that we can work cooperatively with their national initiatives in mental health equity. DBSA NCA Chapter members are invited to participate in this effort and are encouraged to reach out to Gregory Billings if you would like to participate in this discussion.

Online Events Outside of DBSA

AFSP: Thursday August 19 - 8:00-9:30 ET Living with Bipolar - Discussion and Film - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 

AFSP: Sunday August 22 - 4:00-6:00 PM ET More Than Sad: Teen Depression (presented by AFSP-NCAC) - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 

New studies on postpartum depression: 

NIMH: Healthy mothers 18-50 who experienced ppd are invited to participate in a 7-month study at NIH with appointments every two weeks. Call 3014969576 or see NIMH » Adults: Postpartum Depression

BBRF: Report on a new study of a medicine for PPD - Positive Phase 3 Test of Rapid-Acting Oral Medicine for Postpartum Depression

University of Reading free online course: 

Understanding Anxiety, Depression and CBT - Online Course

NIMH new online study (~2 hours): “Emotional, social, cognitive and behavioral impact of the COVID-19 pandemic” Clinical Trials Survey System | Home

News From National DBSA


The 2021 DBSA Leadership Summit has expanded into a weeklong event with more than 40 sessions for everyone, including people living with mood disorders, their families and caregivers, mental health advocates, clinicians, and DBSA chapter leaders and members. The summit will take place virtually Sept. 27 through Oct. 1. Registered attendees will get:

- Practical tools for improving their mental health

- An opportunity to choose from a wealth of sessions covering wellness, advocacy, and leadership, including sessions such as “Know Your Rights: Addressing Mental Health Discrimination in the Workplace and at Home,” and “Mental Health Equity: Access and Outcome Disparities in Black Communities.”

- Tactics for supporting people living with mood disorders

- Access to fun activities, such as a cooking class, meditation circle, and comedy showcase

- The opportunity to meet and network with other mental health advocates

Attendees will also hear from keynote speaker, Emmy-award winning actor Maurice Benard of ABC’s General Hospital, who will be participating in an interview about his experiences living with bipolar disorder.

Learn more and register here:

DBSA NCA would like to see wide participation from the Chapter. Scholarships are available for those who can afford the nominal registration fee. 

July 2021 eUpdate 

DBSA recently released its 2020 Annual Report - learn all about the incredible work of DBSA over the past year. 

I’m Living Proof: A Letter to My Younger Self - New Episode

Mood Crew Monthly: Address Anxiety With Worried

Worried’s new resources can help guide children to better understand anxiety and build skills to manage their worries in the future. Worried’s new resources ask children to recognize what is worrying them, reason with these worries, and find a way to rewrite them so worries feel less intense. Address Anxiety With Worried

National DBSA Wellness Wheel

8 Tips on Setting Boundaries for Your Mental Health - DBSA

Ten Grounding Strategies To Help You Redirect Your Thought


FreeWill for Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) - FreeWill lets you create a last will and testament.

NIH: is a database of privately and publicly funded clinical studies conducted around the world. You can search for studies involving a specific disease or condition, such as “bipolar disorder”, and for ones recruiting or soon to be recruiting participants.

BBRF: Obesity Is a Risk Factor for Brain-Structure Changes in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder, 2 Studies Show 

BBRF: Study Indicates Brain Lesions and Treatment Targets in Depression Affect the Same Circuitry, Suggesting New Treatment Possibilities 

Recent articles from BP Magazine (BP Hope)

Contributions to DBSA

Donations to the National DBSA may be made through the website: Donate to DBSA National

The DBSA NCA homepage has a donation link which may be used for online contributions via PayPal or major credit card. Others may prefer to mail a check, payable to DBSA NCA, to our chapter's address​ on the website. Our chapter is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact us via email or our dedicated voicemail line, 240-780-8706.

In Health,

The DBSA NCA Web Team