News for November 2023

President's Message

Wishing you and your family and friends a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We, at Zonta, are thankful for all our friends, partners, and Zonta family for all support received!  Thank you.

Please join us as we meet via Zoom on Thursday, November 9th. The Penn State Center for Woman's Health Research is Co-Directed by our November 9th speakers. Dr. Cynthia H. Chuang MD, MSc and Dr. Jennifer McCall-Hosenfeld MD, MSc are Professors of Medicine and Public Health Sciences. 

Dr. McCall-Hosenfelds' research focuses on the intersection between women's primary and preventive health care, intimate partner violence and improving healthcare for rural women. She is a long-standing member of the Penn State Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence Task Force. Harrisburg YWCA honored her with a Woman of Excellence Award.  Dr. Chuang has directed her research interests to improving preventive care and reproductive wellness. Grants include contractive care and how COVID-10 policies impacted maternal opioid use during pregnancy. 

The Zonta Says No to Human Trafficking Assembly with Emphasis on Regulation of Massage Parlors in PA focusing on HB 1247, at the State Capital is planned for Wednesday, November 15, 2023.  We plan to have multiple organizations arrive at 10AM, sharing information regarding their works within the community and supporting our cause.  The rally will then begin at 11AM.  Please plan to attend this very important event!  This year we are partnering with Greenlight Operation for this amazing event.  GO has helped us plan and get word out about the Assembly.

Again, please mark your calendar to be a part of our Assembly on Wednesday, November 15th at 10:00AM networking with local organizations and 11:00AM for the Assembly.  We need you all to help by being in attendance, networking with the crowd, pinning sashes on attendees, holding signs and banners, general support, and many, many more things.  Please plan to arrive by 9:30AM in the Rotunda of the State Capitol.

Please feel free to Voxer or email me with any ideas you may have for the upcoming year or future.

Looking forward to seeing you all at our November meeting.

Blessings for a wonderful Thanksgiving,



Membership Corner

Congratulations to Shannon Hackman who has changed her last name to Keppley since getting married to husband Clint last October.

Deb Crum, Kathleen O’Malley and I attended the Zonta District 3 Governor’s Conference on Saturday, October 7th. The Zonta Spirit was strong at the luncheon attended by nearly 100 Zontians and guests. The Zonta Spirit Awards were presented to Dr. Marlene Mahipat and Candace Parrott for their work with women and girls affected by abuse or trafficking or other challenges. (Deb can give you information about the sessions – they were very good – Strategic Plan, ERA & Climate)

Alice Kirchner, Shannon Keppley and I attended the Greenlight Operation Gala on Thursday, October 19th.  Jordan Pine gave a heartwarming personal presentation about the progress of Greenlight Operation and the status of the Restoration Home. All proceeds collected that evening went to the needs of the Restoration Home. There was a panel of speakers who spoke about their involvement with the victims of Human Trafficking. It was a lovely evening with colleagues and friends. Congratulations Greenlight Operation.

Claudia Barry and Karen Shirey attended the Domestic Violence Services of Cumberland & Perry Counties (DVSCP) Candlelight Vigil on Thursday, October 19th to represent the Zonta Club. Special thanks to them for participating in this event.

I will be attending the Support Other Sisters Fundraising Breakfast on Saturday, November 4th at 9:00 am in Lemoyne. The guest speakers will be from Greenlight Operation and Hope Inspire Love.  If anyone would like to join me, please let me know. Cost is $25.00. Courtney Schmechel who is the CEO and Founder attended the Zonta club rally in 2021 and has been invited to participate in the Zonta Says No Assembly this year.

The Service and Membership Committees are planning a big party for the December meeting.  We are calling it a “Party with a Purpose X 2” – because it will include the opportunity for each member to bring a guest(s) to the event and collecting items to package items for a select non-profit. There is a committee of members planning the food, the program, the organizations for whom we will provide donations and the promotion of the event to the community. If you would like to participate in the planning of this event, please contact Alice Kirchner or Kathy Gates who are chairing the event. Start thinking now of who you will invite and bring as your guest to the December 14th party held at the Giant Community Center, Linglestown Rd starting at 6:00 pm. The cost of the evening will be donated items for the selected organization.

It was great to see everyone at the October Zoom meeting. There were 9 members and 3 guests at the Zoom meeting. The speaker talked about the mission of the Girl Scouts. Anyone interested in the recorded meeting should contact Alice Kirchner. 

Kathy Gates, Membership Committee Chair



The Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey and Greenlight Operation cordially invite you to join us on Wednesday, November 15, 2023

at 11 a.m. in the Main Rotunda of the Capitol for the 

“Zonta says ‘No’ to Human Trafficking” Assembly

with emphasis on regulation of massage parlors in PA through HB 1241:

An Act providing for the licensure of bodywork facilities; imposing powers and duties on the Department of State; and prescribing penalties.

Click here for more information you can use/share about the event. 

Member Milestones 

Zonta Anniversary

Suzanne Gale - November 30, 2001               


Carol Staz - November 3

Karen Shirey - November 18​


Thank you to members and friends who supported our annual wreath Fundraiser this year! Due to your tremendous efforts, about 400 wreaths will brighten the holidays for many! Final results will be shared next month.

SAVE THE DATE; April 13, 2024 – Annual BINGO fundraiser.

A donation in honor of birthdays, anniversaries or other special events is a great way to support the Foundation throughout the year. Donations to the Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey Foundation may be sent anytime to;

                                      Zonta Club of Harrisburg-Hershey Foundation

                                            P.O. Box 590 ~ Hummelstown, Pa 17036

Thank you for helping to build a better world for women and girls!


The Golden Z Club welcomes two new members, joining the Golden Z Club in many events -- Walk for Consent, collection of period products for delivery to Period Project Harrisburg, a December project for Caitlin Smiles including crafts and cuddly bears to children in hospital.

UN Committee - ​Zonta International Programs

                    Let Us Learn Madagascar

In Madagascar, one in four children aged 6–10 does not attend primary school and one in three children aged 11–14 does not attend lower secondary school. Let Us Learn is an integrated education program that is creating opportunities for vulnerable and excluded children, particularly girls, in Madagascar to realize their right to an education in a secure and protective environment.

By providing vulnerable girls with opportunities to realize their right to an education in a secure and protective environment, Let Us Learn aims to reduce poverty and ultimately empower Madagascar’s next generation of female leaders. The program will be implemented in the Androy and Atsimo Andrefana regions and will support children as they transition from primary to lower secondary school.

UNICEF’s Let Us Learn is an integrated education program that is creating opportunities for vulnerable and excluded children, particularly girls, in Madagascar. The project is focused on reaching out-of-school children, expanding girls’ education and improving quality outcomes for learners.

Enjoy images from October's activity!

Click here for the calendar of all upcoming meetings, events and special days. 

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