

Wolf Traveller Full Moon
Monday, May 16, 2022

On this day, let the rituals take you wherever these thoughts lead you:

  • a receptive state of mind… a state of trust in your own energy connection to the universe… seeing that balanced Universe as unconditional and its harmony as your own state;
  • focused intention as rhythmic breathing.  Allowing, setting intention and focusing bring relaxation, the last element of manifestation; and
  • manifesting vision involves a combination of breathing, praying, meditation, plus positive verbal affirmations to self.

Blessing Ceremony: take some pollen, tobacco, or corn meal out into the evening.  Hold it in your palm, then read the prayer out loud.  When the prayer is complete, blow the offering toward the sunset.

Prayer: Grandfather Wolf, beauty is our religion.  We worship her as our Spirit; we have opportunities every day to still our minds.  The messages we need come quickly.  Our answers are within us.  We pray that we may fulfill our purpose in life.  We pray that we may be used as conduits of unconditional love in the world.


Sending Vision to the Four Directions: Star gaze, facing each of the directions.  One prayer starts it off, then face the South, West, North and East.  Stand facing each of the directions, and do not move until something out there in the vastness of the night brings a warm sensation to your heart.  Release yourself to the Four Directions of the Universe.

Prayer: HeartFire Light of All That Is, beauty is the visible, manifest and perfect handiwork of co-creation.  One step, one moment, the next step and its moment, how simple life can bring freedom!  We are one with those who gather together in the name of our Family of All Our Relations.  We feel the strength of the consecrated circle.

Drum to Build the Energy


Sit for 15-45 minutes drumming to raise the energy and project your clear intention into the ethers.



Dancing Four Directions


Paint symbols upon your face that represent your power, then dance one dance of alignment with the Wolf.  Select some music that might remind you of the hunt.  Something that moves, and you become the Wolf.  This is the shapeshifting that results in life changes.

Say the prayer before dancing: I come before you, Mountain Spirits of the Directions, to honor you, to honor myself, and celebrate our union in this time of the Wolf.  I am seeking a clear and helpful vision of myself, that I may move forward on behalf of All My Relations.  Show me what I need to know as I embrace the power and beauty of Wolf's Spirit Dance.


Closing Prayer: Upon a little cloud we ascend; thus we journey. To a holy place we go, changing as we pass through air.  Grandfather Wolf, may the many faiths that humanity profess find within their meaning the one commonality, known as love.  May we always see our path through the valley of beliefs.  Freedom is a gift of personal truth.  May we always recognize ours.  daaiina and so it is.

Turn in for the evening.  Dream, and don't forget to journal when you get up.  Usually within the first 10-15 minutes we start forgetting.  You may want to document what comes to you remember…

The Wolf is…


During the Wolf we release our JUDGMENT of the wisdom of the soul brought about by our limited physical perception.  We are humble as we come near Wolf's perfection, as we seek to learn.  We seek this inner love of Wolf and come to know the depth of his wisdom.  The greater our love for All Our Relations, the greater our soul growth and wisdom.  Wolf sends with us, as we return into our daily lives, the truth behind the Sacred Laws of love, understanding, tolerance, patience, and faith.
    Wolf is simple.  Wolf sets an example for us to follow, if we but have the faith to follow in his footsteps.  This is a time when many are reaching this stage of learning, and we live as  Wolf lives - ATTAINING UNDERSTANDING!  Having a greater love for All Our Relations; not a love with hidden agendas, but a DEEP DESIRE TO HELP ONE ANOTHER.
    Wolf teaches us that we have been given these physical bodies to use.  If it was intended for us to just sit around and wait for everything to come to us, the Sacred Parents would not have given us our senses to use.
    Once we were blinded by what we saw.  Judging other by what the eyes could see, we were only partly right.  Closing our eyes and listening and feeling Wolf shows we come closer to being intune with the truth of perception.  With our eyes closed, we feel our inner child, we hear that child's cry, we experience love and compassion.  We learn that our feelings need not change when we open our eyes and only experience this child as an inward presence.  We are still these chidren.  The same loving soul guides both perspectives.  This makes us realize that we must embrace and love our child-like selves, for they are our innocence and the truth of the path we walk.
    In Grandmother Wolf's cry in the moonlight, the truth is always revealed:  "The beauties of this wondrous world are not only for eyes to see, but for the souls to feel.  All other beauties diminish when this richness you feel within.  For the Sacred Parents and their many children's beauties are felt and not always seen.  One may wonder at  this wisdom, until this great love is felt.  Words and actions become stilled through ecstasy of joy within.  This great love is always there.  So limited was the vision.  So muted were the words.  Until you feel the Touch of the Child within.  New horizons widen.  Warmth and love fill the air, then you  know you have only been looking on the outside, when reviewing life with your eyes.  So great this power - so gentle the Child's touch.  So lasting the Child's love.  All other emotions fade, as Grandmother Moon illuminates the sky."

a way of living >>

We hope you liked this shima's Your Lunar Ritual newsletter.  This was edited and curated by #teamshima.  Have questions for shima?  Drop us a note, and you may see your answer next cycle!


Lifestyle… Owning Self… Haquini