This Sunday...

"Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God."

Romans 13:1

Romans 12 and 13 teach us how to think differently in the light of what God has done for us through Jesus Christ (see 12:1-2). This week our theme is thinking Christianly about those in authority.

At a time when there is great frustration that our governing authorities are stuck on Brexit this is an important subject to think through.

Did you miss last Sunday's sermons or would you like to listen again? Then check them out here: last Sunday's sermons. Sadly, last week we were unable to record Robin's sermon for the morning, but the evening sermon is available on Romans 12:14-21.

Café Church this Sunday


This Sunday is one of our occasional services with a difference. There is the normal songs of praise to God, prayers and teaching from the Bible, but with people sitting around tables rather than in pews. There will also be drama, discussion and quizzes as well as bacon rolls for those who turn up early (between 10:00-10:15am).

It's a great event to invite a friend along to, who might find normal church a bit daunting.

A lot of effort goes into making Cafe Church work, so if you can help setting up, then either join us in church:

  • 4pm on Saturday to move and set up the tables, chairs and staging.
  • 9:30am on Sunday to help lay out the tables.

Notices in Brief...

We had a fantastic time on the Weekend Away. You can read about what we got up to and watch a short video here.

The Thanet Winter Shelter will be running again this year from 11th November to 29th March. The plan is that St. Luke's will be hosting it in our hall again on Wednesdays. It would help the shelter if we could organise providing the evening meals for the shelter ourselves. This would take a team of 3 or 4 each week providing a hot meal for around 20 people. If you are interested in helping out or co-ordinating this then please let me know.

For those who would like to volunteer either at St. Luke's or at other venues then check out the Thanet Winter Shelter Website.

Link of the Week

Here is a thoughtful Christian article about how we should live as Christians in our uncertain political times: Living Wisely in Uncertain Times.

See you on Sunday.

Yours in Christ,


St. Luke's Website