
Hello Volunteers,

First up - our monthly volunteer meeting & get to know each other & chat with Kourtney will be Wednesday February 10th from 7-8pm. Volunteer meetings are the second Wednesday of the month. They are not required but a good way to get to know each other (for now, virtually).

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 948 1917 4482
Passcode: volunteer

Valentine's PopUp - Volunteers Needed

Volunteers needed for Thursday February 11th. The plan is to put these tags on various trees throughout the ward with sharpie markers to (hopefully) get some engagement.

March will see more literature drops and hopefully some in-person engagements outdoors.

Fill out the February/March sign up sheet!

Sign Up

Upcoming Fundraisers


I always want to make sure volunteers know about fundraisers too. 

First up is a knife skills class with Kevin Kent of Knifewear.

Coming up at the end of February will be an at-home art/craft project with Pinnovate Calgary.

In March (the 17th) will be a Bike 101 course for all ages with Two Wheel View. Get to know your bike a bit better.

Craft & Bike fundraisers will be posted soon!

Take a Look

Happiest in Community Sweatshirts


Thanks to everyone who has purchased a sweatshirt to date!

They will be out no later than the 15th and I will have additional stock to get out if you missed the January 31 pre-order deadline.

Happiest in Community tees are also in the works.

In the spirit of collaboration, another product will be dropping this month as well. 

Kourtney & the #co11aborate team
