
Dear Romantics! Hello from Kansas City! We arrived Sunday for a two week stay. We try to cram so much into these visits, and this will be no exception. There's dinner theater with friends Amye and Dan, and an evening out with our fellow snowbirds Gina and Chuck. We'll take our granddaughters to see a holiday musical performed by students of daughter Lynnea and son-in-law Alex. And Christmas shopping. It's never too early for Christmas shopping!

And speaking of early, I have a confession...

We put up our Florida Christmas tree last week! I begged and begged until Paul humored me just before Halloween. I know, I'm a mess. But, in my defense, we have just gone through a devastating time in our area with three hurricanes/tropical storms. Although we are safe, the feeling of seeing destruction, debris, and such heartbreak all around us is hard to take. It will be months before our sweet beach is open and operating again. All in all, it has really done a number on my psyche. SO, I have ordered a Christmas themed water bottle, watched about 20 Hallmark Christmas movies so far, and NOW I have my tree up! For me, sitting with only the tree lights on in the room is a feeling that is unmatched in my book.

What’s the earliest you have ever put your tree up? I would love to hear more at robin@robinpaulromance.com

Welcome to Friendsgiving... and Purple Goop


We are hosting our second Friendsgiving in early December. We have several friends in Florida who will not get to spend Thanksgiving with their families, so we get a group together to share laughter, stories and a great meal. I ask each person to bring something that reminds them of their traditional holiday meal, either Thanksgiving or Christmas.

My choice? Purple Goop!

I always remember my mom being asked to bring her purple goop to family gatherings. So, I thought it would be appropriate to share the recipe for her Black Cherry Jello Salad. It is truly one of my favorites. 


Helen’s Purple Goop (Black Cherry Jello Salad)

2 large boxes Black Cherry Jello

2 Cups Boiling water

¾ package bite-size marshmallows

1 can pitted black cherries (cut in half)

1 Cup chopped pecans

1 small carton small curd cottage cheese

½ pint whipping cream

Add boiling water to jello and let cool in the refrigerator. Before completely set, add cherries and marshmallows. Let set until nearly firm. Add nuts and cottage cheese and let it set a little longer. Beat whipping cream until peaks form. Fold into the jello salad. Chill and serve. 

What We're Reading - Paul


Since we're in Kansas City this week, here's a suggestion with a bit of KC flavor to it: East of Troost is Ellen Barker's first book. As a long-time Kansas Citian, the title grabbed my attention. Troost Avenue runs north/south through downtown. When I first moved here, back in the 1990s, you sometimes heard the advice to "stay west of Troost" when house-hunting, shopping, or just driving around. Most cities, I've learned, have their own version of Troost Avenue, a dividing line of races, income levels, and crime. St. Louis had the Delmar Divide. I lived for several years in a community that was once a "sundown town" (You can Google that if you're not familiar). Even the county seat of Dorchester County, Maryland, where I grew up, had Race Street. Sad, but true.

Ellen Barker's story was inspired by a visit to her childhood home while attending a class reunion in Kansas City. The house was abandoned and forlorn, and the neighborhood and transitioned from white working class to mostly black and mostly poor. In East of Troost a middle-aged woman moves to the neighborhood she left many years ago in pursuit of a sense of home. "She deals with crime, home repair, and skepticism - what is this middle-aged white woman doing here, living alone?" (Amazon). 

The story easily kept my interest. Perhaps it was because of the setting, but I also think it is due to my interest in the racial and social issues that divide us, and how some people are able to overcome them.

East of Troost isn't romance, but it's a darn good book. You can find it here.

Don't Forget Your Cozy Christmas Kit!

Orders keep coming in for my Cozy Christmas Kits, but we still have plenty left. They make great gifts, too, so if you have a friend in need of some holiday pampering, let me help you take care of them! You can find them on our website, and remember that shipping is free!

We also have books! Signed editions of all seven of our holiday romances. Those are also on our website. Order one, two, or all seven and we'll send them wherever you want in the United States!

That's all for now. See you soon!

​I would love to hear from you!

Email me at robin@robinpaulromance.com 

Love, Robin