
September News


What's Your Dream?

WOW, what a change there has been in the Allies Of Nature offering for this September and beyond. After all the challenges and turmoil of the last twelve months, a new clarity of direction now seems assured. 

This time last year all the energy was being geared towards the creation of The Orion Reborn Men's (13 month transformation) Programme where a cohort of collaborators, 8 including myself, 4 men and 4 women, were being gathered together to drive the project forward, only for it to rather sadly begin to unravel as the immersions began to take shape.

The saying goes 'man plans, god laughs', often each cloud has a silver lining, the universe generally always knows best as to the route ahead.

As the creative element of fire has burnt bright through the original concept of The Orion Reborn Men's Programme a phoenix has begun to rise from the ashes, primarily in the shape of my good friend John Nugent, my last standing ally of the original facilitation team. Together we are now framing our combined offer around the modalities of Human Design, The Gene Keys and The Dream Arc. John is an affiliate and guide to the latter two modalities through founder Richard Rudd. 

This body of personal development work is all based around the idea that your date, and indeed time, of birth did not happen by way of chance, there is a rhyme and a reason for you entering the planet right at that moment of time, this information forms your unique Hologenetic Profile, your individual blueprint for your life.

When you combine your astrological chart with a circle of 64 I Ching characters, the meld is where your Gene Keys exist. Each Gene Key has a shadow, a gift and a siddhi (enlightened) state associated with it so in total there are 192 different states across the entire Gene Key range.

In The Dream Arc all of these states are represented by animals, so if you have a particular animal that is dear to your heart, or that is presenting itself to you just now to work with it maybe encouraging you to look at this modality in order to open you up to a totally new way of looking at the world and your life path. The Dream Arc encourages us all to pay attention to our dreams and how we can start to realise them. 

The beginnings of which can be discovered via the upcoming Dream Arc Initiation Retreat that is due to start on Tuesday 19th September 2023, once more there is still an early bird offer in place up to and including Thursday 31st August 2023 if you are keen to take part, where together we can start to form a soul family all working through the programme as one, where we begin to form the community Allies Of Nature has always dreamed of creating together. 

All of the infrastructure of Allies Of Nature remains in the background of this new offer ready to support people through the Dream Arc Initiation Retreat as well as any amount of future personal development programmes that John and I are planning to conjure up by way of combining all of the above with the Allies Of Nature range of flower essences, shamanic practices and life coaching exercises, whatever is needed in order to maximise your true potential within this lifetime. 

Why not find out more about it all by reading on below! Thanks Simon x


Dream Arc Initiation Retreat

The Dream Arc gently prepares us for a new world and teaches us how to play again... You don't need to learn anything new or devote hours of your time to studying. You just hone your intuition like a laser, to increase lucidity, improve decision-making and build a deep trust in the flow of events in the world. 

To take advantage of the early bird offer, claiming $50 off the cost of The Dream Arc Initiation Retreat then sign up before the end of Thursday 31st August 2023. More details about the retreat itself are available below.

Investigate The Dream Arc Here!

Men's & Women's Circles Of Truth

The Orion Reborn Men's Circle Of Truth & The Seven Sisters Women's Circle Of Truth continue in the background of the new Allies Of Nature offer supporting any brothers and sisters struggling upon their life path who would benefit from fortnightly check ins of peer to peer support. We are continually being guided by the qualities of the Allies Of Nature range of Flower Essences​ as we discover together how nature is helping us circumnavigate the calendar annually in order to find happiness. 

Research The Circles Of Truth Here!

Flower Essence Development & Support

Just when I thought my investigations around flower essences were over, both The Dream Arc and a recent Plant Spirt Shamanic Journey that I have undertaken have spelt out the need to continue to develop the range of flower essences to establish three flower essences per month. This matches the same number of states that you would work through within The Gene Key model and that of The Dream Arc too as we negotiate each fractal of the year. This is designed to bring the flower essences​ into alignment with the Gene Keys and Dream Arc.

See All The Flower Essences Here!

Allies Of Nature Autumn Equinox Peace Fire

On Sunday 24th September @ 11.00am we will gather together for the Autumn Equinox Peace Fire​ where both men and women will have the opportunity to collect around the same fire for truth sharing. The long term plan is that these peace fires will be made up of both the Orion Reborn Men's Circle Of Truth and the Seven Sisters Women's Circle Of Truth in the future but whilst these circles are still in the process of forming the fires are open to anyone and everyone that remain interested in this work. 

Research The Next Peace Fire Here!

Go Fund Me - Orion Reborn Bursary Fund

The more I journey and become aligned with the work that I am meant to be doing here on the planet the more I come across deserving cases worthy of my services but who alas cannot afford my preferred consultation rate.

However, having now set up the Orion Reborn Bursary Fund potential benefactors who are very much in support of my overall aims through my organisation can help out if they care to, by donating via the Go Fund Me​ page I have set up to help such troubled souls. Any contributions gratefully received. Thanks x.

Find Out More About Go Fund Me!

Otherwise until October when we will be rapidly approaching the start of winter at Samhain and the turn of the wheel again. Love Simon x