"Your arms were molded

Into a cradle to hold me, to rock me.

The scent of your body was the air

Perfumed for me to breathe ..."

Mother, a Cradle to Hold Me​

~ Maya Angelou ~

Mother's Day

We're thinking about the special Moms in our lives over here. If you are, too, check out these gift ideas​. 

Pro tip: you can forward this email to the gift-givers in your life, too. You know, if you think they could use a hint. Just sayin'...



Earrings, shawl pins, shawl cuffs, and more. These personal gifts are sure to make any Mom feel cared for. See all the jewelry



Mugs, vases, bowls, and plates from One Acre Ceramics make beautiful gifts for the home. See all the pottery

Or sign yourselves up for our May 14 Pottery bowl workshop and decorate bowls while enjoying together time. 


Classes or lessons 

How fun for her! Either in a class with other makers, or one-on-one with Debby for a private lesson. And how sweet for you when she makes your next gift... See all the classes​

See more gift ideas

Earth Day Market Bag Free Workshop 


Celebrate Earth Day weekend with us!

In this free workshop​, we'll show you how to get started either knitting or crocheting an earth-friendly market bag. Please register so we have enough seating for everyone. 

This Saturday, April 23, 5-6pm

Register (free)

Yarns of the (Earth) Month

Just a reminder, you get 20% off all earth-friendly yarns for the month of April. (both in the shop and online)

Shop Earth-Friendly

Event Calendar 

All events