Services Training Blog Podcast

From our Team 


The licensee conference call is tomorrow, Wed., 10/18 from 10:00-11:00am. Check the provider alerts for the current link to join.

Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) - SB99

See the October 11th provider alert from SOQ regarding the upcoming Rules Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting for Senate Bill 99, which was passed earlier this year and requires adult foster homes and other LTC facilities to take actions that protect the rights of LGBTQIA2S+ residents. The first RAC meeting is on 10/26/23 from 9AM - 12PM. We are a member of the upcoming RAC, as this RAC will include future changes to OAR.

Care Home Conference Spotlight

We'd like to take the next few weeks to help you get to know our conference co-founders and some of our presenters a bit better.

At our conference on November 14th, we'll be celebrating the fifth business anniversaries of conference co-founders Alyssa Elting McGuire and Adriana Gavozdea. Read below to learn more about Alyssa and Adriana.


Alyssa Elting McGuire - Founder, Oregon Care Home Consulting & Training

What do you do, in a nutshell?

I help current and future care home licensees successfully navigate the licensing process and have a successful care home business. I use an ethically-based, passion-driven approach to really provide ongoing support and guidance to providers.

What is your why? Why do you do what you do?

I know it's cliché, but I truly want to make a difference. I started this business five years ago because I saw a need that wasn't being met. I do this because I see the difference we're making in the lives of entrepreneurs who bring their passion and commitment to starting their own care home businesses. 

What are you most looking forward to about the conference?

I always look forward to seeing our current and former clients and EQC students. You are why we do what we do! I love the community aspect of our conference. I also look forward to seeing our community partners and learning from our presenters who bring their passion and expertise to the event. 

What is your favorite quote?

"Character is doing the right thing even when nobody is looking."


Adriana Gavozdea - Founder, Laria, Inc.

What do you do, in a nutshell? 

In a nutshell…I’m an entrepreneur. I use my experience and knowledge to help other providers find the best fit as a care home. I guess you can call me a homes matchmaker. 

What is your why? Why do you do what you do? 

Because I want people to succeed. My family was first hand affected back in the day by the lack of information and they almost lost everything because no one was there to help them navigate the process of buying the right business house. 

What are you most looking forward to about the conference? 

Can’t wait to meet new providers as we always have new attendees, and I’m very excited about the new topics we’ll have. We try to bring professionals from all industries and have a diversity of knowledge combined to help our community, so I’m excited when I see the speakers so involved and eager to give back. 

What is your favorite quote? 

“Every master was once a beginner."

Individual Option EQC Course


Our Individual Option EQC Course is flexible and available at any time. We offer both EQC Essentials only and the complete course. Follow the steps below. After you attend the interest/preparation session, you will receive the link to register for the course and begin at any time:

Step #2: Register for one of our upcoming EQC preparation sessions:​​​​​

"I appreciate being able to give my team employment and help them grow in their lives."

Provider, Lincoln County

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