
with Genevieve Le Goff

8 CEUs / PDAs

Saturday, November 16th, 2019

9 AM - 6 PM

This is going to be the best class yet. I am so happy to share the knowledge of my lineage, uniquely applied for the benefit of all mothers and babies. I am feeling aligned with the Dao!

We have a wonderful group and would love to welcome you as well.

Case studies: morning sickness, pre-eclampsia, failure to thrive, incomplete and recurrent miscarriage, gestational diabetes, induction, lactation and more!

Please join us in the bucolic San Geronimo Valley, across the road from a nature preserve, for a full day of exploration of obstetrics and classical Chinese medicine in the Fire Spirit tradition​. This class will focus on maternal-fetal medicine case studies from Genevieve Le Goff's practice. 
 We propose to explore over 30 case studies illustrating the treatment of pregnant, parturient and postpartum women with formulae from the Shang Han Lun, Jin Gui Yao Lue, and Bei Ji Qian Jin Yao Fang. This style of herbal treatment is an application of the Fire Spirit lineage of Tian (Bawei) Heming, to which Genevieve belongs, as well as an application of the Classic of Childbirth from Mawangdui.
