July 17th, 2017.

Phil's Weekly #242!

Here are my notes for the past week - the stories and links I saw that were actually interesting, and why they mattered. 
There are now around 10K subscribers.
I promised this would be fun …

tell your friends

This week a little delay due to our summer hackathon, so awesome to see great minds in the US and India, compete with each other for 36 hours on a few key themes this year: AI, ML, API, mobile and conversational interfaces - all using our giant pile of secure HiPAA and HITECH data and select APIs for the advancement or digital health, medicine and the self-driving practice, for our awesomelicious doctor clients and their teams.

​My team (#withfries3) has been working on adding more functionality to our conversational interfaces for doctors - in particular helping them save enormous amounts of time between patients .... but i won't say more!
It's been a lot of supremebulous fun!
Have a good week + later!


Zip code better predictor of health than genetic code = here


How meditation can make you more creative = here​. 


In DARPA's new brain implant program, teams race to build functional prosthetics within four years = here

PAIR (People + AI Research) project is a smart idea, bringing more human-centric design to AI = here.

Beautiful photos as deep learning system mimics a professional photographer = here​.


Improving industrial safety using wearables = here.


Data says: Buy 10 yr old car keep 5 yrs – repeat = here​. 

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