REFILL. NOT LANDFILL. - September 2019 -

An artistic rendering of brick and mortar store.

Two Weeks Remaining on Our Fundraiser
- and so much news to share!

Thanks to a successful launch into Anchorage's Farmer's Markets - more successful than we ever imagined - we are on track to open our brick and mortar store sooner than planned - as early as this Fall 2019.  We can't yet reveal all of the details, but you will be the first to know when they are finalized.  If we reach our goal of $30k, it enables us to fill the shelves for our soft opening this fall and pay for the rent and utilities to get us through January when we plan to close for a month and re-(grand) open with food! 

In order to help this happen ASAP, we invite you to contribute to our fundraiser on INDIEGOGO if you have not already done so.  The deadline for donating through the campaign is September 30th!

THANK YOU for supporting us; we are overwhelmed with gratitude. 

--Jen Gordon and Jess Johnson, founders of Blue Market AK


The Little Blue Market Cart LAUNCHED: Our First Month

Our unveiling of the little blue market cart and participation in farmers' markets since August 10th has been so much fun, and incredibly successful. Jess, Jen and Loren have dedicated Wednesdays and Saturdays to bringing the cart to markets.  We have sold products to over 349 customers, and visited with scores more in the brief time and limited hours we've been open. The most frequently-asked question: Where will you be after the markets close?  We have been actively seeking our brick and mortar location in Spenard and are very close to revealing some exciting news.  Until then, we will continue to be at the markets through September 25th: Wednesdays at Fire Island Bakery on 16th Ave. in Airport Heights @ 3-7pm, and Saturdays at Spenard Market from 9:00-2pm.

Your Wish List Is Growing - We Are Paying Attention

We have been collecting your ideas - both at the markets and also via instagram and facebook. We have already ordered some of the products, and look forward to implementing more of your ideas.  Here are just a few - feel free to go to our instagram or facebook pages and add to the growing list.  We ARE listening!


ideas from social media:

  • Local vinegar
  • Bubble bath
  • Floor, toilet cleaners
  • Ceramic containers (locally made)
  • Tearless shampoo & soap for kids
  • Bob's flours and oats
  • wool-friendly laundry detergent
  • Rice oil
  • Dog treats
  • Castile soap
  • nut butters

Top Sellers are from Local Makers

Dryer Balls, Beeswax Wraps, Alpenglow Skin Care and Denali Dreams soaps and shampoos are among our best sellers.  We are so glad that the locally-made products are selling the best, supporting our vision of Blue Market being a place where local makers may have more exposure while we reduce our carbon footprint.

We Need Your Help - Want to Volunteer?

Soon, we may have opportunities for you to help. 

Email​ if you'd like to receive more information about volunteering opportunities as they arise, or shoot a message from our website Contact page.
