
February is for Love

Love your friends, Love your feet

                            volume 2,#14 

 February 2018


FEBRUARY 13  is GALANTINE Day! LOVE your girlfriends and do something good with one another. Give the gift of health and camaraderie; Go for a hike or walk together. You don’t have to have an “in-love” significant other to celebrate the February holiday of love. 



Winter is a time we don’t go barefoot very often and forget to care for them. Just putting on warm socks and slippers aren’t going to give you feet what they will need so that you will able to go on long walks when spring comes around. 

Daily Foot Care: Check and wash your feet daily, dry thoroughly especially between the toes; massage the feet while washing and drying to stimulate circulation and encourage flexibility. Do foot exercises while you sit or stand. Stretch and wiggle your feet, and your toes; stand on a foam bar to strengthen and stretch the ligaments of your feet.

Weekly Foot Care: Give your feet a soak in warm water with epsom salt, rinse off with cold water. This is both relaxing for your feet (and you!) and stimulating for circulation. Scrub and smooth calluses with pumice stone, trim nails, let foot lotion/butter soak in. Avoid walking on moisturized slippery feet!

Shoe Wear: Wear shoes that fit comfortably and give your toes room to spread (can you wiggle your toes in your shoes?). Generally, feet become larger as you age. While the foot completes most of its growth by age 18 or 20, its size will increase as the arch collapses in later life.

Socks: Choose socks carefully. They should be loose but not wrinkled. Avoid socks, stockings, or pantyhose that are too tight and may reduce circulation. Seamless socks assure a smooth fit, eliminating pressure points that hinder circulation.

Prevent Common Foot Problems: 

ingrown toenails: cut the corners of your toenails straight. 

Corns and calluses: a result of too much pressure, and the thinning of foot pads as we age. This has to do with the weight your feet have to carry, with the shoes you’ve been wearing all your life, or an imbalance in gait. Not easy to fix, but at least wear big enough shoes and reduce the hard calluses and corns by giving your feet a regular soak. 

Athlete’s foot: can be prevented by not going barefoot in the gym and drying your feet meticulously, especially between the toes. 

Dry cracking skin: prevent by moisturizing your feet daily. Apply when you go to bed so the moisturizer can soak in all night. 


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